Awkward situations girls get into

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PS. LIVEAHAPPYLIFE234 , forgive moi for taking forevah

Let's do this thang...

1) Talking to your friend about... feminine stuff and a dude overhears you and is basically scarred for life. KUDOS!

2) Bumping into someone and they hit ur boob with a TON of force, and u end up looking constipated because u are trying to not look like you just had an army of ninjas beat you up...with a chair...that was made of steel...that came crashing into you at full force...which had knives on it... and machetes. Oookkaayyyy....this is getting PG-13 isn't it?

3) when you are wearing a white tee and you go outside and it starts to rain, cause Mother Nature WANTS everyone to see your neon rainbow bra.

4) when someone taps you on the shoulder, but they hit the strap of  your bra, and you just be like...I reaaallllyy hope u didn't notice that.

5) Getting ur period in the middle of class and having no pads so u walk around school yanking your tee shirt down and praying there isn't a red splotch on your butt.

6) getting cramps while running a mile in P.E and stopping looking constipated

7) Mood swings.

8) Being emo for an hour, and then turning into a rainbow fairy ( I love u if u get the reference) who poops out sparkly rainbows

9) a cute guy staring at u, and then u realize he's looking at the girl behind u (riiighghht LIVEAHAPPYLIFE234 and rriaaa  ) lol. Captain America tee u right now.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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