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I woke up about 4 hours later to the smell of bacon

Now, if i could eat anything right now, it would be bacon

so i drifted into the kitchen to find Ian cooking at the stove

"oh, hey Ashley, do you want some bacon?"

"sure, thanks Ian"

as Ian cooked at the stove, Anthony walked in

"Bro, make me so bacon" Anthony said

"Sure man" Ian replied

i sat at their sofa and waited for my breakfast

Finally, Ian placed a plate infront of me with so delicious crispy bacon and 2 fried eggs and some toast, perfectly toasted, not too soft, but not too burnt

"Thanks" i said, he smiled at me and i blushed

suddenley lightning strook and i squealed

"hey, hey, its okay, im here" ian reassured me, putting his arm around me

my heart did a flip, i nestled into Ian's chest and slowly fell asleep

Ian's POV

"aww, doesnt she look cute when she is sleeping" i said fondly

"yeah" anthony said blankly

"hey man, whats up?" i said, sensing something was wrong

"nothing, its just.. well..she likes you better than me" he said sadly

"wha- oh, dude, she is just tired and emotionally unstable" i said

"but you and her were flirting!" anthony protested

"what?? no man! i have no feelings for her what so ever.. none at all!" i lied

i know it weird, we just met but i really feel for this girl, i thought

suddenley, her head jerked up and she tore out of my arms crying

oh crap, i thoughtt, she heard i said i had no feelings for her...


sos if it was short, i will update daily :))

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