Kicking His Ass Part 2

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Caitlyn's POV

when i left the restroom, i heard Katy scream and kick the wall in frustration

i laughed

i walked up to Adam "come on, lets get this torture over with"

"where is Katy?" Adam asked

"umm, im not sure" i said innocently

"we will meet her in there then" Adam said as he took me into the cinema

we sat down and i yawned

suddenley, the big advert popped up, the Pearl & Dean one, the one at the start of all movies

the music and advert popped up, breaking the deathly silence, but making me scream so loud, that everyone turned to look at me

i tried to keep quiet and i did until a whale started approaching me

i screamed and screamed, i was so confused, why is there a whale in here??!

i screamed until i saw the whale in the light

it was actually.. Katy

she was frowning and everyone turned to me again

Adam had to clasp his hands over my mouth to muffle my screams out

People turned away and carried on watching the adverts

Katy was holding a large popcorn and a giant Tango Iceblast

she squeezed past my legs, practically cutting off the blood circulation with her leg flab

her giant ass drooped and brushed my face as she went past

i mentally screamed ( i had attracted enough attention already)

i  had to bit my tongue to stop myself screaming "EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! IM DROWING IN FLAB" 

i managed to keep quiet

she plonked her giant surface area on the weak, cinema chairs

it creaked and i actually felt sorry for it

about 2 minutes later, i heard the chair creak loudly and suddenley the chair broke and Katy fell to the floor with a thump

Katy looked really surprised and confused, her mouth opening and closing like a fish

 I couldn't help bursting out with laughter

it was the funny sight ever seen since the picture of Justin Beiber wearing a nappy surfaced

i laughed and laughed so hard, i got the hiccups

while i was pissing myself with laughter, Adam had rushed to Katy's rescue

Adam took ahold of one of Katy's Bingo Wings and pulled like crazy

he finally managed to haul Katy up, as i had fallen on my seat laughing

Adam then took Katy's hand and guided her to a different seat

you would think she would be grateful

nope, not Katy. She just shook his hand off and frowned, placing herself on another seat, but abit more cautiously

by the time i had stopped laughing, the movie had started

i started to think to myself, out of boredom

i thought about maybe spending some time with Sam

he is my boyfriend after all

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