The funeral part 1

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Ian's POV

i looked at my best friend and picked him up

i looked at caitlyn and said "we need a funeral, for Adam and Anthony"

"Okay" she replied

"we will give Adam a big one and Anthony a small one at our house" i whisper

i am so destraught

i cant believe this happened

i looked around, realizing Katy had fled the scene

i carried Anthony all the way home, tears still fleeing from my eyes

i lay him on the sofa and sat with him for a while

"I miss you so much Ian"  i jumped and looked around

i saw Anthony in front of me

"a-anthony?" i asked, astonished

"i just need you to know that i love you man, i always will, and thank you for making my life the best it could be, i may be gone, but i will always be watching over you, dont cry Ian, no need to waste tears on me, just go on living... umm, Ian?" Anthony asked

"yeah?" ii replied

"please dont forget me" Anthony said quietly

i started crying again "of course i wont man, i love you, i could never forget my best friend" the tears poured down my face like a waterfall

"goodbye Ian..." Anthony started fading away and i howled

but then i remembered what he said "dont cry" and i stopped

i just looked up at the sky and said goodbye

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