The Hospital

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Ian's POV

I woke up with a dreadful headache and suddenley all the memories came flooding back to me

then i remebered what Anthony said yesterday "We'll see her tomorow"

i wanted to see Ashley right away so i got out of bed, then i noticed Anthony sleeping on my floor

"uhh, Anthony" i said, not even bothering to scream at him or play a prank on him like we usually do in the mornings, i was too depressed

i kicked Anthony gently

"Huh?" he groaned

"hey Anthony" i said softly

"Ian, Ian? what is it?!" he asked suddenley panicking

"im okay man, its just.. well.."

"okay man, we can visit her" anthony smiled sleepily

he just read my thoughts "how did y-"

"Ian, ive lived and known u for a long time, i can tell the way your brain thinks"

"thanks man, and umm.. thanks for last night, when i got.. you know-"

"drunk? its okay man, i was seriously worried about you man, i thought you would slit your throat, thats why i slept in your room"

"Wow, thanks man" i said gratefully, Anthony is such a good friend

"its okay, dude, your my bro, now, give me 10 minutes to get ready then we can visit the hospital" he said

"okay" i said as he left my room and went to his room

i went and got changed really quickly and dashed to the door, finding Anthony already standing there

he smiled at me "you ready?"

i took a deep breath "yes"

we got into Anthony's car and drove off 

~15 minutes later~

we arrived at the hospital 

"hello, we would like to visit Ashley Brooks" i said hurriedly

"ok, she is in room 3b floor 2- medical injuries blood loss unit" said the smiley receptionist 

"kay, thanks" Anthony said

we got into the elevator and pressed 2

we started slowly moving upwards 2 floors

we exited the lift and went down end-less corridors until we got to room 3b

we took a deep breath.. and entered

Ashely was laying on the hospital bed, a bandage around her wrist

she was sleeping, her long blonde hair spread across the pillow

she looked so cute i thought

i suddenley rushed up to her and gently hugged her

"oh my god, Ashley your alive!" i said between sobs, checking her pulse

she was breathing slowly and clamly, in and out, in and out

Anthony gave me a weird look

Suddenley she opened her ocean-blue eyes and she said "Ian, why did you save me?"

"because.. I love you" i said

i heard Anthony gasp and so did Ashley

"what?!" Anthony cried

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