24) Explain.

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Great. The Next day was here I can explain this huge mess to him. I will explain it all. From who Joseph is. To the kiss. To how Sean's my one and only.... the morning went slow mostly because I got up so early. 6:15. Really? Too early... I got ready and I was very relaxed. I didn't need to rush. I was calm.... I finished at around 7:30 and I went outside to see Sean there. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hey babe." He said smiling. I loved how he still called me that even though he was pissed.. all i could do was smile. He pulled me in for a quick hug and then eventually said;
"Now can you explain? Please?" He did this thing with his eyebrows. One went up and the other went down. Damn he looked good.
"Oh right." I started. "I'll start from the VERY beginning." Sean nodded his head. He seemed to really want to know.
"So. At first we were in Intermediate/Middle School. And I was friends with this girl called Kayla. We were REALLY good friends. Best Friends Hall Of Fame. And there was this hottie in our class called Joseph. My Ex. I became very close with Joseph and eventually we started going out. I was so happy. But he knew Kayla liked him. So he wanted to keep it a secret so it didn't hurt our friendship. So I did. And ahh. After about a week of us going out. He became really close with Kayla and they started hanging out a lot. More than friends should. Then once I was in class and my phone went off. I looked down and it was from 'Babyyy❤❤😍😍😚' which was Joseph. And I went to answer it. Kayla saw this and she asked who it was. I said to her "promise that we stay friends after this? No matter how mad we get?" She said "yea sure. i wont be able to stay mad at u forever anyway" so I told her it was Joseph Roche in our class. And she flipped. She flipped the table and went over to Joseph grabbed him by the arm and pulled him outside and slapped him." I paused to breath.... "they had a huge arguement and Kayla started crying. There was only one explanation for this. He was saying Kayla. He was Cheating on me. With my best friend. Well done life.... We went out for two years and AFTER those two years of being cheated on. We broke up. And I haven't seen him in 1 year. Me and Kayla remain friends but we don't talk as much. My other friend Keely helped me get through it. She was nice. But i haven't seen her in ages either. We need to meet up. You will like her. Anyway I guess now he's back and he's trying to get me back even though I have u. And with that kiss i went outside after you punched him and checked if he was ok. Stupid move i know. Then i guess he saw you coming and he just pulled me in fir a kiss. His grip is strong geez. And now im scared because I got this text from him 1 day ago." I showed him that text from Joseph
Dickwad: How dare u run away baby. I will come for u again. And I'll get rid of Sean if I have to. Love ya😘 -JR.
I looked at Sean and he was horrified... but he was smiling...?
"Why are you smiling...?" I asked confused as hell. He just calmly looked at me and said
"I'm smiling because I now know your not cheating on me with a crazy as dick. And I'm also smiling because the name you put him under. 'Dickwad' haha. That's my girl"

You lucky ducks 😂😂😂 you got a huge ass chapter this time. Be happy. Haha.

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