31) Haha shut up...

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Jess's P.O.V

He kept the note? Why would he do that... I mean. Isn't he and Kayla still going out...? Or did they brake up. Again. I dont even know.
Well life's becoming quite confusing isn't it. Haha. Oh well.
We went to Sean's after school today. We spent around 3 hours building forts and watching
'The Avengers'.
"If you could be any super hero who would you be. Go!"
"On god. Ah..." I started. "I think Batman. Because I'd be rich and have a servant that I can be a dick to. But i have you so... yea ill say because I'll be rich. All da moniezz" I carried on.
"Aye!" Sean laughed and playfully punch my arm. "Nah Batman sucks. I'd probably be Superman. Cause he can actually fly and he has actual super powers" Sean laughed
"Haha shut up... Ok fine. But i still like Batman. Haha" i giggled.
I looked back at the t.v and kept watching. In the corner of my eye I see Sean edging towards me. I pretend that I don't notice and carry on watching the movie. Suddenly I feel a hand on my cheek and it's pulling me to face Sean. He's millimeters away from my face and i say
"Im hungry" I get up and go get some pop corn and look back and see the disapointment on Sean's face.
"Baaaaaabbbeee" Sean whined "I want a kissssss..." he said with a slight giggle. I couldn't do anything but smile and say
"Nah I'm hungry. I want food. Om nom nom nom"
"Ugh fine. But after you make pop corn i get a kiss" Sean laughed. I snorted.
"Hahaha yea. Sure sure." I joked.
"JESSICAAAAAAAA" Sean whined more. "PLEEEEEAAASEEEE" I ran back to the living room straight after I put the popcorn in the microwave and I stood right behind Sean with my hands on his shoulders.
"Don't. Call me Jessica." I said with a serious face.
"Ok fine. I won't..." Seen laughed and looked at the ground. "jessica" I heard him say under his breath and I attempted to punched him in the arm with a giggle. But somehow Sean flipped me on to the couch with him and kissed me on the lips. Oh what the heck. He's a good kisser. And with that. We kissed.


I thought this chapter was pretty cute tbh😂😂

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