36) He was Cheating.

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Sean's P.O.V

"...okay" Amy sighed. Her eyes soften from a squint. Her bitch stare has gone. Okay. It's time to unleash the truth bomb....
"Okay. Amy? You need to break uo with him. Hes done really bad things to jess. And hes actually trying to do them with you. What he's-" I started off.
"What? Whats he doing!?" Amy interrupted.
"I was just getting to that. When jess was in middle school she met your boyfriend... they dated. Yeah. But she found something out. Joseph was literally cheating on jess with her best friend. He caused many arguements and it costed their friendship. I need to show you these..." I pulled out my phone and showed her the screenshots from Jess's phone;

Joseph: hi😂

Jess: haha heyy😊

Joseph: what's up? :)

Jess: yeah not much... u? :))

Joseph: oh cool. Same
there's actually something I
need to ask you...🙊🙈

Jess: oh? What's that...?😊

Joseph: will you do me the honours
of being my girlfriend?😚😅
(Read 5:24pm)

Jess: hey sorry.
Yes... yes I will.😊💕

Joseph: yayyyy!!😊 don't tell anyone
about this okay? We need to
keep this secret.😉😏

Jess: okay😊💕😚

Joseph: hey babe? Do you think we
could hug tomorrow...?🙈🙊💕

Jess: oh Uhm.. no? That's moving too
fast for me and I don't want to get

Amy reads through the conversation. She finishes with a laugh at jess's last text. To be honest it was actually kinda funny haha..
"And? Theres no proof that he cheated on her..." Amy said curiously.
"You see that text? "Don't tell anyone about this?" He sent that to Kayla as well. After a month of Joseph cheating on them both. This happened. Joseph made the stupid mistake of sending Kayla "I love you" or some shit like that and Jess saw it. Jess asked what the deal was and turns out Joseph and Kayla were dating ever since jess and him were. Joseph was cheating. And now at school he's trying to get Jess back. I have screenshots of that too." I finished. I then swipe to reveal the screenshots that Jess sent me. She reads through them. Amy froze. Again. She reaches for her phone. Unlocks it and starts typing.
"What are you doing...." I ask.
".nothing. you'll see soon" she shrugs and then walks out the room.

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