28) After School

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Today went pretty fast. That's a first for school. Usually it goes slow. Like usual I was waiting out
Side the school library for Sean and then boom. Something scared me from behind i jumped and what ever scared me just laughed. I knew that laugh all too well. Sean. I carried on looking the other direction and had a smirk on my face.
"Aha! We meet again. I've been waiting for a while to look u in the eye and...." I turned around and hugged him.
"MWAHAHAHA your all mine now!" I carried on. Sean just laughed and hugged back. Then we started walking.
"So ah... what did u mean today in Social Studies? I'm really confused" Sean started.
"Oh haha. Right. Um he sent me a text in Social Studies." I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone to show him the text.
"In guessing it was one of those really weird ones...? Where he wants me to go"
"...yup..." I showed him the message
He read through it out loud
"Babe I miss u so much. Wish we were in the same class😘. And u better not be near Sean. U know im better than him. He doesn't deserve u. Ur mine. All mine...😘" Sean read.
"Um wow ok. That's weird..." He said. "That boy has problems haha" and he did the sassy girl thing; The Z-Snap. Trust you Sean.
We arrived home and we parted our ways. After a 5 minute hug and a quick kiss i saw Joseph and quickly said bye to Sean and ran into my house and Sean ran into his. And that's when that happened.

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