4) The Next Day

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Finally. It was the next day. I get to see Sean again. I get ready and spent 2 hours trying to find an outfit that looks good on me. I finally finish at 11:30 and Sprint out my room to get to the front door.
"Where do you think your going?" A voice asks. I look around and I see Mum standing there.
"Oh. Um haha I was going to see Sean. Our new neighbor." I answer, blushing. Mum gives me a look as to say 'Haha. I know you like him'. How does she know... Why is she so good at this. She lets me go and I rush out the door with excitement. I cross the street and arrive at his house and I knock on the door.
"I'LL GET IT!" I hear Sean's voice say. He rushed to the door and opens it quickly. He sees me standing there and hugs me.
"I missed you" he says.

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