5) Oh My God Mum...

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He hugged me... and what made it better is that he said he missed me. Does he like me back?
"Come in haha." He said, blushing.
I think he does. We sat down and talked more. I know it may not seem like much... But honestly... talking to him was the only thing I loved to do. I loved his voice..  I couldnt get enough of it.
"So tomorrow instead of you coming here, how about we go for a walk?" Sean asked. His eyes looked right into mine. They were pretty.
"Hahaha. That sounds fun. Why not" I replied.
"You have a nice laugh. Haha" Sean said, smiling. I blushed. His Mum came out with lunch.
"Oh thank you Mrs Warren" I said.
"No problem, sweetie." She answered. Then she left. We talked more. 6 hours later I got a text from Mum again. Why does she have to ruin everything..
"Dinners Ready. Stop kissing Sean  and come home. Haha" It read. Oh my God Mum...
"I got to go... bye..." I said to Sean sadly.
"Oh... ok.. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 11." He said.
"Haha ok. Bye" I said remembering about the walk.

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