chapter 2

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after about a five hour drive we arrive at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I slept some of the ride but I listened to music and looked out the window most of the time.

we stay at a campground mainly because we like it better that way. all we have to do is walk out of our camper door and there's the beach. it's really nice and we usually sit outside our camper at night and light a fire or something.

we pull into the campground and stop at the building where you check in and pay. my mom and Chad go inside to pay while I sit inside. my phone buzzes to tell me that I have a message from my mom.

mom-bring my wallet inside. I forgot it in the truck. it's in my purse. thanks

i then get out of my seat and go up to the front seat to grab my moms wallet out of her purse.

i start walking towards the building and step inside when I reach the door. walking over to her I give her the wallet and begin to step outside when of course I bump into someone. I stare at the ground when I walk cause I don't like looking at people and I don't want to know if they're staring at me.

"oh sorry" I said with a small voice and I look up only to see a boy that looks about my age. I'm 18. he has beautiful green eyes that could make any girl melt under his glance. he is fairly skinny but looks as if he is well built with slight muscles. his curly hair is brown, and he has it pulled into a man bun. he's way too attractive for me.

"it's fine, I'm Harry by the way." he says and I notice he has an English accent which I instantly fall in love with. I smile as he reaches out his hand for me to shake.

I don't usually shake boys hands considering the only boys I know make fun of me and think I'm disgusting. but I reach my hand out and shake his hand.

"I'm Addison, but people call me Addy" I say.

"well I'll see you around?" he says as our hands are still conjoined.

"uhhm sure" I reply back.

"alright, bye Addy" he smiles

"bye, Harry." I smile back and walk out the door to the truck. I get in the back seat and wait for my mom and Chad to come back. I hope they didn't see that because they will tease me so incredibly much if he did.

they walk back out to the truck and get in. as soon as they get seated they both turn to look at me with smirks plastered on their faces. I automatically knew that they saw.

"so I heard the boys name was Harry" my mom says.

"and he was also very cute, he also seemed to take interest in you, am I right?" Chad pushes the topic some more.

at this point I was sure my cheeks were bright red. "I don't know, he was most likely just being friendly, like a normal person would" I reply hoping to drop the topic.

"I don't think friendly would be described as looking at each other like nobody else is there and holding hands while you talk." he says

he was right, I did think he was cute, but he probably didn't like me back. nobody ever liked me. I was weird, he was just being nice. of course I want him to like me, but I probably won't even see him again.

we start to drive where our camp sight is, number 156, when we reach that spot our camper is already there. we have a very large camper considering we have a large family and need room for all of us.

as soon as Chad backs into our camp sight and stops the car I jump out and admire the view. I take in a deep breathe, smelling the salty air and immediately feel relaxed. everyone won't get here until later this evening. it's 12:30 now so I have some time to myself before they all get here.

"Addy, come help get these bags in the camper." my mom tells me

Chad has already set up the camper so now all that was left to do is get it organized and put some stuff away. I go to the back of the car and start grabbing bags of food, towels, luggage, and random stuff and take them into the camper. I grab my bad, bringing it to the back of the camper where the bunks are and sit it down on my bunk.

nobody else sleeps on my side. Landon and Dylan will sleep on the other side so I have the bottom and top bunk to myself. we have a large shelf in the middle of the room where we can put stuff. I start putting my clothes in the drawers and other items in the top shelf area.

in the camper we have a small kitchen, couch, and table all in the same area although it is still large due to the slide outs in the camper. if you go up the three steps, they lead to my mom and Chad's room. it has a queen bed, stand up shower, toilet, sink and full closet with some shelving areas. our bunk room is a bit bigger than a walk in closet. it's very large and about four people can be back there and walk around. since it'll only be three people back there, we will have plenty of room.

I go outside the camper to look around at everything. we have a picnic table outside our temporary home and mom is setting up some chairs in a large circle for us to sit in. she sets up more chairs than the amount of people that will actually be here but that's normal because they usually meet people and they end up staying at our camper and talking until late at night.

mom is also laying out a plastic rug thing that is fairly large underneath the steps to the camper for us to walk around on without shoes and where we put out shoes because Chad can't stand us tracking sand in the camper. he's very strict about the camper rules because he spends lots of money on it every year and then things we need for it so I understand.

I then go inside to grab my phone only to come back outside to start reading. I read on my phone cause it's easier. right now I'm reading After by Anna Todd. I'm on the second book and I've cried multiple times throughout this and the first book.

reading is my escape and to be able to read with the waves crashing in the background along with the salty air makes it that much better.


Harry's POV

I can't stop thinking about the girl that I saw at the building earlier. she's way too pretty for me. her hazel eyes and long brown hair is fucking beautiful.

I'm just a simple boy from England. I have my mom and dad and nothing bad has ever really happened to me. I've had it good. I have friends, most of them are nice but some are assholes. I'm an only child which absolutely sucks. but I get through.

mom and dad told me I couldn't bring any friends this trip. I was okay with that now because I'm gonna try and talk to the beautiful girl I met at the building. she said her name was Addison but she goes by Addy so I might see if I find her throughout the week. we leave Wednesday the 8th. I don't usually like the beach but it's fun to get away from England. that place drives me fucking insane.

"so who was the pretty girl?" my dad asks as we walk out of the building to the car.

"I'm not sure, I'd like to talk to her though. she seems really nice" I reply. I've never had a problem talking about girls with my dad. I've never had a real girlfriend though so I've never had to but it's not a big deal for me.

"what's her name?" my mom asks

"Addison but she goes by Addy" I reply making my mom chuckle.

"Addy, I like it" my mom says "now if you talk to her be nice and don't act like a jerk like most nineteen year old guys do. she doesn't seem like the bad girl type." she says sternly.

"I won't." I say. I liked how she was shy, it was really cute and just adorable.

all of my family have always been supportive of me, my nana wants me to find a girl that's beautiful inside and out.

I agree, I'm not a bad boy, I don't like getting in trouble, and I've never liked girls that did like getting in trouble.

"what is our camp sight number?" I ask mom.

"sight 157" my mom replies and I nod. maybe I would get close to Addy and we could talk some.

she probably doesn't like me but why not.


i dunno what to say so....

thanks for reading!! all the love.


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