epilogue 1

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(this is gonna be short, sorry)

Harry's POV

it's been six months since I saw Addy last. that enough time to make me go completely insane.

we're about an hour away from the beach and I'm about to go insane from not being able to see her in so long.

I want her in my arms, I want her lips on mine. just a couple more hours until I get what I want.

we've talked every single day like we said we would. some nights we only texted but it still worked.

I can't wait to see her.

Addy's POV

we got to the beach a few hours ago and right now I'm in deep thought.

lately I've been depressed. I haven't seen Harry in a really long time and I'm not happy.

I've been acting like I'm okay when I talk to him and text him but in reality I'm depressed and don't want to live anymore.

"hey Landon, I'm going to walk on the beach" I tell her

"okay. be back in ten minutes so I know you're okay"

I nod and begin to walk to the beach.

I reach the sand and stare at the water.

I'm not happy. maybe if I die I will be.

I begin to walk to the water. when I reach the shore I begin to walk in.

I'm getting stares considering I'm fully clothed but considering what I'm about to do I don't care.

I look around and see Dylan running towards me.

he knows what I'm doing. why the hell else would I go in the water fully clothed.

"goodbye" I whisper and go underwater.

all I see are waves and blue water as I lose the breathe slowly.

then black takes over my vision.

Dylan's POV

I watch her go underwater and speed up my running. she can't kill herself. her family will be heart broken. god knows what Harry will do.

I'm not her family technically but I'll still be sad. she's gone through so much to give up now. I've gone through all of it with her. I can't let her do this.

I reach the water and run towards her. the waves slowing me down making it harder to reach her.

the water being fairly clear helps and I finally find her. I can tell she's almost dead if not already by the way she's sinking.

I grab her by the arm and hold her bridal style.

"stay with us, Addy!" I yell as I walk out of the water and off the beach.

I reach the camper and put her inside Chad's truck so she laying across backseat.

everybody stands up in panic when they see her.

"get her to the hospital now! she isn't conscious" I yell towards everyone and they all jump into their cars and drive to the hospital.

Addy's Moms POV

we're sitting in the waiting room currently. we've been here for about two hours now.

the doctors haven't told us anything making me worry.

I need my baby. her and Nora are the reason I live. I can't lose her.

Harry and his parents arrived thirty minutes ago.

Harry cried as soon as he saw us and cussed out the doctor when they wouldn't let him see her.

Harry's POV

these mother fucking doctors need to let me see my girl before I rip their fucking shit heads off.

I want to see her. even if she doesn't live I need to feel her in my arms at least one more time.

"Addy Thompson's family?" a doctor asks coming into the waiting room.

we all jump up and I notice he's the one I cussed out.

he looks at me and frowns making my heart sink.

"it hurts me to say this, but Addy didn't make it" the doctor says lowly.

I lose all feeling in my knees and fall to the ground.

I immediately start to sob to the point where I can't breathe hardly.

I run my fingers through my hair and tug at my roots.

Addy's mom comes and sits on the ground next to me. she wraps her skinny arms around me and cries with me.

I cry into her shoulder making her place her chin on the top of my head.

my girl, my love, my future wife, the future mother of my children. is dead.

just like that.

I love you, Addy Thompson. so fucking much, and I always will.


so this is epilogue one. I'm doing a second one that's gonna be really short but it's gonna be Harry is like twenty years.

thanks for reading. all the love.


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