chapter 3

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Addy's POV

it's about five in the afternoon now and my sibling and their boyfriends/girlfriends have all arrived. right now we're sitting around the fire that mom made before they got here.

"alright, let's play a game" Chris says

"okay" we all say

"am I gonna like this cause the last game we played I ended up almost dying" I laugh along with everyone at the memory.


"so addy, if you swim in that pond for 5 minutes then we'll all give you 50 bucks" Chuck tells me

"fine" I mumble. "if I die tell mom to blame it on you. I'm only 10 ya know"

"you'll be fine. go!" he yells

I then start to swim in the pond right outside my house. this wasn't safe but oh well.

my eyes widen as soon as I see a huge alligator swimming towards me.

"oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!" I scream "get me out! I don't like it! hurry!" I scream bloody murder.

"just swim! and whatever you do don't get eaten!" he laughs

"can't really decide if the thing is hungry or not!"

I start to swim as fast as I possibly could. I reach the bank and get on the grass. Landon wraps a towel around me to keep me warm as the water was freaking cold.

"I'm getting 50 dollars from every single one of you!" I yell. I'm pissed off and hungry.

*present time*

we're sill laughing over the memory. I didn't talk to any of them for 2 months.

"no. the game is to see whoever can make addy laugh the most. the one who makes her laugh most, wins." he says

"are you for real?" I mumble

"yup. alrighty, I'm going first." chris smirks.

I already knew what he was going to do, tickle me.

I look at him and automatically start to run. I run out into the non busy street considering it's a campground.

"no! stop!" I laugh and scream at the same time while he runs after me.

he soon catches me and I drop my phone that I had in my hand on the ground. fuck. he throws me over his shoulder and starts to tickle me.

I then start to laugh uncontrollably with some screams as well. I noticed some people staring but I honestly don't care.

he then dropped me and I was literally in pain from him tickling me.

I started to walk back to the camper and where we are sitting. forgetting all about my phone.

"hey wait!" the familiar voice calls. I turn around to see the boy, Harry, walking towards me with my phone in hand.

"you dropped this" he says

"oh my gosh, thank you! I would've forgot it" I laugh

he smiles at my laughter making me blush. "is that your camper?" he asks

"uh yeah, why?" I ask not sure why he wanted to know

"ours is this one" he says pointing the camper directly beside ours

"oh okay! that's cool!" I say out of breathe and still smiling from laughing.

the fact that he was beside me and talking to me now make me smile considering I might actually be able to talk to him.

Forever and Always//Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now