chapter 8

8 0 0

July 1st, 2015


Addy's POV

yesterday Harry and I along with our family hung out together all day on the beach and the pool some.

ever since Monday night it's been amazing. the fact that Harry's family knows the one thing that I never tell anyone scares me a little but it's okay. they've been really supportive and made sure that I knew they didn't judge me for my past.

me and Harry have been close as well. mentally and physically. every time I'm with him which is often I feel like a different person. confident almost, something I haven't felt in a really long time. he makes me feel worthy, beautiful, and so many other things that I can't even describe.

it's about 4:00 in the afternoon now. we all spent the day on the beach and then around three we all came back to get cleaned up.

tonight we're having a cookout with all of my family and Harry's family.

right now I'm in the bunk room getting ready with Landon. for my hair I straighten it and pull it into a ponytail. and for makeup I wear my usual, everyday makeup.


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"hey can I wear your gray sports bra?" Landon asks me. we share clothes quite often considering we're the same size

"yeah" I say grabbing the top and handing it her her.

"thanks" she mutters

I nod and walk out of the camper.

"do you want cheese on your hamburger?" mom asks me


I turn around and see Harry playing with Eli. they are chasing each other around in circles around one of the cars. I smile and grab my phone to take a picture of them laughing. I put my phone on the picnic table and walk over to them.

Harry sees me and comes up to me and gives me a hug and kiss "hey baby"

"hey" I reply smiling

"Harry!" Eli whines "come run with me again!" he jumps up and down

Harry sighs deeply, smiling, making me chuckle and starts to run around the car causing Eli to giggle.

"okay guys! dinner is served!" Chad yells

everyone comes out of the camper and we all crowd in around the small area where the food is placed. Harry then comes behind me and grabs my waist

"you look beautiful" he says kissing my head

"thank you" I laugh

"okay. we have burgers, chips, and pasta salad. get however much you want." mom says

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