chapter 11

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(sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'll edit later)

July 4th 2015

Harry's POV

"are you fucking dumb?" I turn around from eating my lunch to see Landon standing a little ways behind me.

"what the hell? are you my therapist or something?" I grunt

"you're so fucking dumb" she mutters

"how am I dumb? she made up her mind. it's not like I was going to force her into a relationship that she doesn't want" I say

"that's why you're dumb, idiot. she wants a relationship with you so bad she doesn't know how to say it. she broke things off cause she's scared and doesn't know how to feel." she explains

"well what in hell am I suppose to do?"

"you're invited to go to the ball tonight. we leave in three hours sharp. I'll come over here and get you before we leave." Landon says

"she's not gonna want me to go"

"does it matter? you have to get her back, I ship you two way too much to let it go to waste. Haddy has to last!" she laughs

"okay" I sigh

she starts to walk away but turns around after two steps.

"you will get hurt. I'm not saying you're going to breakup but you will get hurt in someway or another. her life is hard, remember that. and when something bad happens you can't blame it on her because we have all warned you."

I nod in response and she walks away. guess I have to get ready.

"mom! I'm going to the ball" I say when I get in the camper


"I'm going to win my girl back" I say confidently

"that's my boy" dad says "alright now let's get you ready"


Addy's POV

"can you curl my hair?" I ask Landon

"yeah, sit down and I'll get my curling iron"

she searches in her bag and finds her curling iron then comes to where I'm sitting and starts to curl my hair.

"so are you excited for tonight?" she asks me

"we do this every year so not really" I respond blankly. we have this ball every year so it's nothing I'm not used to. all you do is sit there and smile if someone's talks to you. they're are rich and we're not so we don't get talked to often.

when Landon finishes curling my hair I begin to do my makeup. my everyday as usual. for my dress I'm wearing a floor length ball gown.

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