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Chapter 1


Alex's pov

"Listen,Alex. Umm. I-I" my boyfriend,Jacob stutters. "Hey babe. Ready to go?" A girl comes up behind him and kisses his cheek while interlocking their fingers. "Who's this?" I ask in disbelief. "This is my umm... M-my" "girlfriend" the girl smiles. "No. I'm your girlfriend" I whisper comprehending everything. "Actually Jenny here is" he confesses. I stand there in shock. He's been cheating on me. "How long has this been going on?" I ask. "About four months now" she says,pushing herself onto Jacob. My eyes begin to water. "Fuck you" I say flipping him off and running to my brother,Liam's house. Well it technically wasn't his house,he shared it with his four best mates. Niall,Harry,Zayn,and Louis. Yes,One Direction.

"Ugh!" I scream. "What's wrong,love?" Harry runs up to me. "I'm so fucking done with boys!" I yell,running upstairs to my room. I lock the door behind me and scream into my pillow.

Someone knocks on my door. "Go away" I growl. "Al. Come on open up" Liam's voice calls. I sigh and trudge to the door. "Yes?" He walks into my room,closing the door behind him. "Well come on in." I sigh again and jump onto my bed. "What happened?" He asks sincerely. "Jacob has been cheating on me the past four months. And his new girlfriend was all over him and I want to rip his face off" I confess. "How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me.." I trail off. "Teenage boys are like that." "You're not" We both chuckle. "Well.. What will make you feel better?" He asks. "Boxing" I decide simply. He nods "lets go then." I change and then meet him downstairs. "After you" he kindly holds the door open for me. We get into the car and he drives to the gym.

I go into the women's dressing room and grab my boxing gloves out of the locker and change into a sports bra and sport shorts. I walk into the gym to find Liam waiting for me. "Can you put on some music?" I ask. He nods and puts on some motivation songs. I get really pumped up and start kicking and punching the black punching bag in front of me.

A few hours later Liam tells me we should go home. "But I'm not tired" I whine. "We've been here for hours... It's time to go. We can go to KFC if you want" he compromises. KFC is my favorite restaurant even though it's not good for you,I love their mashed potatoes. "I'll be right back." I run into the locker room and change back into my clothes and run to meet Liam in his car.

"What do you want?" He asks. "Uh. 5 piece chicken and a large side of mashed potatoes and a roll and coke please." He tells the worker my order and then gets food for him and the boys.

We arrive back at the apartment and while we walk to the door I say "thanks for being here for me Liam." "I have to be there for my little sister" he chuckles. "Especially when a boy breaks her heart." I sigh and walk through the door. "Alex!" Louis screams and picks me up. "Put me down before I whack you with this chicken" I threaten. He immediately sets me down carefully on the ground and I walk to the kitchen and open my box of food.

All the boys join me at the table with a plate of food in front of them. "I not only wanna thank god,but Jesus too, for making KFC" I say quoting Justin Bieber. Everyone laughs and I take a big bite out of my chicken leg. I make sounds that aren't human. "It's so good" I say scarfing down more food. "It sounds like you're having sex" Harry chuckles. I roll my eyes and finish before everyone else. "Hey Zayn?" I ask. He looks my way. "Look at the kitten!" I point to the living room. Luckily,he turns his head and I dump all of his food on my plate. "There's no kitten" he looks at me and then down at his plate. "Hey!" He tries to get his food back but Liam chuckles before saying "she just went boxing and she's still worked up. Don't think you wanna mess with her mate." "Yeah. Get your hands off me pretty boy" I smirk. He huffs and I give him one piece of chicken back. "So what happened today anyway?" Louis asks. "Jacob has been cheating on me for four months apparently" I roll my eyes again and sigh. "I'm sorry" he apologizes. "Why are you sorry? He's a fucking douche who can go get hit by a truck." Liam opens his mouth like he's gonna tell me to not swear but he knows to stay quiet. "Tell us how you really feel" Niall laughs. I run upstairs and take the picture of me and Jacob and grab a pair of scissors before running back to the kitchen. "You wanna know how I really feel?" I ask looking at Niall. He shrugs. I set the picture down and stab it repeatedly with the scissors. "I mean,I'm more pissed than that but whatever" I say. The boys erupt in laughter. "What?" I ask confused. They all shrug and finish eating. I throw the picture of us away and walk into the living room,sprawling out on the couch.

Harry and Louis join me on the couch while Zayn,Niall,and Liam sit on the couch on the opposite side of the living room. I flip through the channels until I decide there's nothing to watch. "Wanna watch a movie?" Louis suggests. Everyone agrees and he comes back with Legally Blonde. As it's beginning I look over at Niall. "Hey Niall" I call. He looks over at me. "It's you!" I point to Reese Witherspoon who's flipping her blonde hair on the screen. Everyone bursts out laughing.

After the movie I head up to bed. I change into pj's and brush my teeth. As I'm on twitter,someone knocks on my door. "It's open" I call. Niall walks in and closes the door behind him before jumping onto my bed. "You alright?" He asks. "Fine" I reply. He props himself up on his elbows and looks into my grayish/ blue eyes. "I've known you too long to know that you're not fine." "I'm just mad I guess. Like I don't know. I thought Jacob loved me but then he just goes and cheats on me. I know most people feel like shit after they get dumped but I just want to beat him up" I confess. He laughs that adorable and contagious laugh of his, making me laugh too. Niall sits next to me,embracing me. "I'm here if you ever wanna talk,you know that,right?" He asks. "Yeah. Thanks Niall. I love you" I smile. "Love you too, kid" he smiles back,pats my head and then leaves. I don't get why he calls me 'kid.' I'm 16. I'm no kid. I shake the pointless thoughts out of my head and cuddle under the covers and soon fall asleep.


Authors note: so yeah this is my new fanfic. Hope ya like it?(:

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