Chapter 5

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Niall's pov

Kelsey's arms wrap around my neck as my hands grip her waist. I hear wolf whistles and 'oooo.'

I have to admit, she's a great kisser and I don't wanna stop. Finally, I pull away for a breath. Our foreheads rest on each other's as we both breathe heavily. I look into her shining green eyes, a huge smile on her face. "That was..." She whispers. "Great" I finish. We both chuckle and she snuggles into me.

As I look at the boys, they're all staring at us. I feel my cheeks heat up and I can guarantee Kelsey is blushing too. My arm wraps around Kelsey's waist, bringing her closer to me. Her head rests on my chest.

I'm snapped out of my happiness when I hear a crackle. A package of Oreos? My gaze switches to the other couch to find Alex snacking on the Oreos. "Can I have one?" I ask. She grabs a handful out of the container, throws the container at me and then trudges upstairs. What the hell? Shoving an Oreo in my mouth, I try to forget what happened with Alex and continue to watch a random show on the TV.




Kelsey said she needed to get home so I'm currently walking her out to her car. "I had fun today. It was nice" she smiled. "Yeah, me too. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I ask nervously, scratching the back of my neck. "I would love to. Just text me." I nod and before she gets into her car, grab her by the waist, spinning her around to face me. My face inches closer to hers but she meets me halfway, crashing her lips onto mine.

Alex's pov

I throw the rest of the container filled with Oreos at Niall and go up to my room. Ignoring what just happened, I put in my earphones and blast music really loud.

About ten minutes later I see lights coming from outside my bedroom window. Pausing the song, I walk over to the window and look down to the driveway. The sight beneath me slowly tears my heart. It feels like someone took a knife and stabbed my heart, tearing it agonizingly slow in half.

They're kissing. Again. More like sucking each other's faces off. I fall to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. My head rests in between my legs. I bite my lip to keep from crying. It bothers me how jealous I am of Kelsey. It's stupid really. I just don't know how to stop these feelings I have for Niall. I repeatedly bang my head against the wall and don't hear Louis come in.

"Shhh shhh" he coos into my ear, pulling me close to him. "I t-told you it would happen Lou" I stutter, sniffing and wiping my eyes. "I know. It'll be okay." I shake my head. "No it won't. I don't know how to get over this. These feelings that I have for him. I don't even know why they're there! I just can't get him out of my head" I sob into his shirt.

A knock at the door startles me. "Who is it?!" Louis shouts. "Niall" he replies. "Come in!" Louis calls. The last person I want to talk to right now comes walking in. "Please don't leave me alone with him" I whisper. "It'll be okay. I'll be right outside. Just yell if you need me" he whispers back. Louis walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.

Drying my eyes I ask "why are you here?" The Irish boy sits down next to me. "I... I just wanted to see if you were okay" his head faces the floor. "Oh yeah I'm just dandy" I say putting on my best fake smile.

After sitting in silence for a couple seconds he asks "why were you with Louis?" His question catches me off guard. "We just went out for a run.. Then we walked around town.. To get our minds off things.." I trail off. "But tonight. When you were all cuddled up to him." Sighing, I answer "because I don't have anyone else. Liam still hasn't gained my complete trust yet, Harry's an asshole and I don't want to get Zayn involved. Louis is literally one of my only friends because you're with her now."

"Hey" he grabs my chin to make me look at him. One look into his cerulean blue eyes and I have to squeeze mine shut. "Kelsey and I are just friends. Nothing more." I open my eyes but don't look at him.. "But friends who just met don't kiss each other the first time they see each other" I counter. "Look. I don't know what we are. But whatever happens, I just want us to still be friends" he says.

"I don't" I mumble barely audible. "You don't wanna be my friend anymore?" He asks sadness in his tone. Turning to face him I say "I don't wanna be JUST friends. I know you don't like me more than a friend and I sure as heck don't know why I have these feelings for you. But I really really like you. I'm trying to get this feeling to go away but I just can't. I don't know how or what to do."

By the look on his face I can tell he wasn't expecting that. He opens his mouth like he's gonna say something but nothing will come out. Great, now I look like an idiot. Confessing my feelings for my best friend who doesn't like me back. "Are you gonna say something?" I whisper. He just sits there, looking at me. "I shouldn't of said anything I'm sorry" I say standing up and walking to my bed, burying my face in a pillow. I hear the door click and look around. Niall must've left. Cuddling deep under the covers,I somehow managed to fall asleep.



In the middle of the night, a clicking sound wakes me up. I hear something that sounds like footsteps? Who the fuck is in my room? My heart rate picks up and I whisper "please don't kill me."

The person chuckles "it's just me Alex." I breathe a sigh a relief... Wait. "Niall? What are you doing?" The bed dips down next to me. "I came to do this" he says hovering over me. I suddenly feel his soft lips on mine. It feels like I'm on fire. He pulls back quickly. I open my mouth to say something, but before any words come out, his lips move in sync with mine again. The sparks igniting. My arms bring him closer so our bodies touch. This time I pull away. "Why?" I ask. "Because. I have feelings for you too."




He lays back down next to me. "Did you feel anything?" He asks. "Yeah... It was crazy.. It felt like I was on fire" I admit. "Did you?" I ask. It's a good thing it's dark in my room or else my face would be red as a tomato. "Yeah... I did" he confesses and runs his finger tips along my arm causing goosebumps to rise. He moves closer to me so my back is pressed to his chest. He plays with my fingers, both of us laying in a comfortable silence. "I'm sorry, I just got jealous of you and Lou" he breaks the silence. "Me too.. I mean.. With you and Kelsey.." I laugh nervously. "You have nothing to worry about" he says. A confused expression covers my face but then I remember he can't see me. "What do you mean?"

"If you want me, I'm yours."

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