Chapter 3

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Alex's pov

About halfway through the movie I look up at Niall to find him asleep. His lips parted, chest rising and falling slowly. He's adorable when he's sleeping, not gonna lie. I shake the thought out of my head and cuddle up into his side and decide to try and sleep as well.

Niall's pov

When I wake up it's pitch black. Looking at my phone, I see it's 2 a.m. I use the light on my phone to look at Alex cuddled up next to me. I should probably go to my own room before Liam finds out we were sleeping together even though we didn't do anything. He gets paranoid over the littlest things. Carefully, I wiggle off the bed and tip toe to the hallway and close the door. Of course it has to creak really loud. Somehow I manage to successfully close it. On the way to my room I trip over something and land with a loud 'thud' on the ground. Using the light of my phone I look at what I tripped over. Liam? He must've been hammered. As I stand up, a small voice makes me jump. "What happened?" Alex asks sleepily. I hold my hand to my chest

"you scared the shit outta me" I gasp. She laughs quietly.

"sorry. I just heard a loud noise and u were gone and I got worried." Worried? That I was gone? Or because she heard a noise?

"Sorry, it was just me being clumsy. Get back to sleep, yeah?"

"Okay. Night Niall" she yawns and goes back to her room. I make it back to my room and close the door. I strip down to my boxers before jumping onto my bed. Staring at the ceiling I start to think. Why was Alex worried? It was most likely because of the noise. Or was it because I left? I doubt it. A million thoughts race through my mind making it hard to fall asleep.

Alex's pov

A loud noise awakens me. What the heck? I stretch my arm out trying to find Niall but he's not here.

I walk out into the hall to find the Irish boy standing up. "What happened?" I ask. "You scared the shit outta me" he gasps clutching his chest.

"sorry. I just heard a loud noise and u were gone and I got worried." Worried? Seriously Alex? Why would you say that? I wasn't worried.

"Sorry, it was just me being clumsy. Get back to sleep, yeah?" He asks. "Okay. Night Niall" I yawn and head back to bed. I mentally slap myself. Why did I say I was worried? I wasn't... Was I? Ugh. This is too complicated. Before I know it, I fall asleep.


Niall's pov

I wake up to Louis slapping my face. "What'd you do that for?" I groan. It's too early to be up. "It's 10:30 rise and shine leprauchan!" Exactly my point. If it's before noon,it's too early to be awake. "Why" I ask again. "Simon is supposed to be calling us soon and everyone has to be up for it. He said something about an announcement or something" the Doncaster boy shrugs. "I'll be up in a minute" I wave him off and pull the duvet over my head.

When Louis leaves my room I check my phone.

*1 unread message*

I clicked on the message. I didn't recognize the number. What the heck?

*hey Nialler! Haven't talked in a while.. We need to hang out ASAP!! Message me back soon ;* * it read.

*who's this?*

I waited a few minutes before the person replied. *Kelsey.. From the M&G about a month ago.*

*send a pic?*

She replied with a picture of herself. Her blonde wavy hair rested just below her shoulders. Emerald green eyes almost like Harry's. Her smile could light up the room. The dimples on each side of her face distracted me from her perfectly straight teeth. I don't really remember her.. Just that she asked for my number and I gave it to her. Still, she made me smile.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Lou sauntered into my room again. "I don't know what you're talking about" I bite my cheek, trying to stop smiling.

"Show me your phone" he chuckled. I lock it and shake my head. He reached for it but I switched it to my other hand. "Niall" he raised his eyebrows.

"Louis?" I countered. Right before he almost grabbed my phone out of my hands, I shoved it in my pants. "Nanny nanny boo boo" I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'll figure out what's on your phone..." He began to walk out of my room again. As he was in the doorway he turned to me again. "I ALWAYS figure it out." With a wink, he left my room.

I send a quick text to Kelsey saying *come over for the day so we can hang out?(:* and send her the address.

Alex's pov

"Wake up.. C'mon. Wake up" someone gently shook me.

"Go away" I mumbled, pulling the blankets over me.

"Al. I need to talk to you" my brother whines. I sigh and lean on my elbow, propping myself up. His puppy face makes me forget why I'm even mad at him. "I-I'm sorry. About last night. I was just drunk and I don't remember what happened and I know I screwed up big time" he confesses.

"Do you remember this?" I ask holding up my injured hand. As soon as he sees it his eyes dart up to mine again. A pained expression on his face. I'm not going to forgive him. He knows he hurt me. It was wrong and he was just being a stupid boy.

"I'm sorry" he whispers. "It's all my fault. I'm so stupid. I'm so so stupid" he repeats, shaking his head. My hand grasps his, but he pulls me in for a hug. "I know I messed up. It won't happen again. I swear. Please forgive me?"

My conscious is telling me to say no, but my mouth blurts out "yes." He pulls me closer to him and mumbles an "I love you. I promise it won't happen again." After a couple more seconds, I squirm out of his grip laughing. "Wanna help me make breakfast?" I nod and follow him downstairs.


"What are we making?" I ask. "French toast and bacon" Liam replies, getting all the ingredients out.

As we finish setting the table and everyone is about to sit down, a phone starts to ring. Liam pulls his out from his pocket and puts it on speaker.

"Hello boys, how are you?" I instantly recognize Simon's accent.

"Good... So what's this announcement?" Louis asks, getting straight to the point.

"You're going on tour for the Take Me Home album. You start rehearsals on Monday. The tour kicks off in a month." The boys cheer and jump around before thanking him and ending the call.


As everyone begins to eat, someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it" Niall volunteers and jogs through the living room to the door and greets whoever's here. Interrupting my thoughts, a blonde girl follows Niall into the kitchen. She's pretty. But why is she here and who is she?

"Erm. This is Kelsey.. Kelsey, this is the boys.." Niall scratches the back of his neck. I take a sip of water and pretend to choke. "Oh yeah.. That's Alex" he laughs uneasily.

Oh great...a girl comes in for five seconds and now Niall forgets about me.


an: I'm sorry it's been FOREVER since I've updated. I didn't know what to write but I think I know how the story's gonna go now so I'll try and update again before the weekend!

Love you all Xox


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