Chapter 10

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Jacob. He was here. Shit shit shit shit. He walked over to me and smiled an evil smile.

"How've you been,babe?"

"I'm not your babe" I state through gritted teeth.

"I think you are" he whispers just so I can hear it as he takes a step forward and I take one back. He repeats this until my back hits the wall. Shit. His left hand rests on the wall next to my head as his other hand finds its way to my waist.

"Get away" I squirm, but his body presses so it's on mine, trapping me to the wall.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight" he chuckles as his hand reaches down to the bottom of my dress.

His lips graze my neck and I yell "help!" No one seems to be paying attention though.

He begins to lightly suck on my neck as tears fall from my eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" A deep voice growls and detaches Jacob from me.

I don't bother to look as I fall in a pile on the ground, tears ruining my make up.

"Let me go!" His cold voice demands.

"Only if you promise to never come near her ever again" Zayn threatens.

I hear flesh against flesh as I open my eyes enough to see Zayn punching him.

"Okay okay! I won't bother her again!" He gives in. Zayn drags him and practically throws him out the door before coming back to me.

"Are you okay?" His voice is full of concern as he kneels down to my level. I shake my head as he holds me in his arms.

Zayn's pov

As I'm talking to one of my friends, Riley, I look around to find Alex. I haven't seen her in a while. My eyes scan across the room until I find a guy who looks a lot like her ex, pinning her against the wall, tears running down her cheeks.

"I'll be right back" I tell Riley and storm over to Alex and the guy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I snap.

"Let me go!" He whines.

"Only if you promise to never come near her ever again" i threaten.

Without waiting for an answer, I punch him.

"Okay okay! I won't bother her again!" He gives in. I drag him by his collar and shove him out the door.

I rush back over to Alex "are you okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head and I pull her shaking body into mine. "He's gone. He's not coming back. I promise" I rub circles on her back.

"T-thank you" she tries to calm down.

"Hey" I whisper and hold her face in my hand. Her bloodshot eyes meet mine.

"It's alright. He's not coming back" I stare into her eyes. She nods and wipes her cheeks.

"Let's go get you washed up." I grab her hand and head towards the nearest bathroom.

I lock ourselves in the nearest bathroom and use toilet paper and water to wash her face off.

"You look better without this anyway" I chuckle referring to the make up.

Her sad eyes meet mine and she wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on hers.

"Thank you" she says quietly.

"It wasn't a problem. I couldn't let him do that to you" I reply, looking down at her. She switches her gaze up to me. My head leans down and I gently place my lips on hers. She reacts by kissing back and I smile.

"Do you wanna go back to the party?" I ask.

"Not really" she giggles as I place my lips back onto hers again.

A knock on the door interrupts us, so I yell "what?"

"I need to poop" someone replies.

"We better go" Alex laughs and opens the door, walking out. I follow her as we go to the kitchen. She grabs a plate and piles food on it.

"It's not like you're hungry or anything" I chuckle and she looks at me, shoveling food in her mouth.

"Want some?" She asks with her mouth full. I shake my head no and she shrugs, swallowing the big bite she just took.

"Hey!" Niall greets walking to us.

"Sup?" I ask. Alex just waves with a chip in her hand. Niall tries to take one off of her plate but she turns away from him so he can't steal any. He spins her toward him by her waist and I cough awkwardly,

"See ya Alex" and walk away.

Alex's pov

Niall comes over and tries to steal my food. Oh hell no. He can go get his own! He grabs my waist, spinning me toward him. I let out a laugh and he does the same.

"Give me your food!" He demands.

"Never in your wildest dreams!" I stick my tongue out at him, quoting one of his lines in Best Song Ever.

He nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck. "Please" he whines.

I finish my food and then say "here, you can have the rest."

"Than--hey! that's not fair!!" I roll my eyes and get out of his grip so I can throw the plate away.

He pulls me close to him as I rest my head on his chest. These are the moments when I'm happiest. When I'm with my best friend.

"Let's go outside to the piñata!" Some person who is unfamiliar to me shouts. Everyone rushes outside while Niall keeps his arms around me, not letting me go.

"Let go ya big doof!" I laugh.

"You're gonna pay for that sweetheart" he whispers as goosebumps cover my exposed skin.

Before I could ask what he meant, his lips were placed on mine. It felt like electricity running through my body. He lifted me up an set me on the counter, stepping between my legs. I pulled lightly on his hair and he let out a soft moan. We pulled back for a breath before he quickly kissed me again. He left a trail of kisses down my jaw to my neck and back to my lips again.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" He asks between kisses. I nod and he helps me off the counter. His big hand engulfs my small one in his as he leads me up to his room.

He closes and locks the door behind us, so no one can disturb us I guess.

I sit on his bed and he swiftly moves so he's on top of me. He pulls his t-shirt over his head and the material hits the floor. He quickly reconnects our lips and hovers over me once again.

Niall begins to pull a little foil packet from his back pocket. What the hell? He ripped it open and began to take his pants off.

Memories of Jacob run through my mind.

"Niall" I whispered. He looked at me curiously.

"I-I can't" a few stranded tears wandered down my cheeks.

"Hey. Don't cry" he became worried.

"I'm not going to force you.. I just thought that you wanted to. I'm sorry." His voice was sincere and caring.

"I ruin everything" I mumble hoping he wouldn't hear me. Just my luck, he did.

"No you don't. You don't ruin anything." He lifts my chin to look at him.

"I don't want to force you to do anything. If you want to do it, then the time will come. I just want you to know that not being ready is okay. And I don't love you any less."

His words make me a little happier and I pull him to me, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you too, Niall."

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