Chapter 11

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*the next day*

Alex's POV

I wake up cuddled next to Niall.  The memories from last night come to mind.  He didn't pressure me into doing anything I didn't want to.  He needs to stop being so thoughtful and caring because I think I'm falling for him..hard.

His ocean blue eyes meet mine as he smiles down at me.  "Morning princess" he chuckles. 

"Morning" I reply with a yawn. 

Just as he was leaning down for a good morning kiss, four idiotic boys burst into my room. I thought the door was locked?  The bastards must've picked the lock.

"Did we just ruin a moment? Oops" Louis remarks sarcastically.

"Out!" Niall shouts.

I look over at Liam, his clenched jaw and balled fists making it obvious that he doesn't want me to be in bed with Niall.  It's not like we did anything, he needs to chill out. 

"The tour starts today" Zayn reminds everyone.

"As exciting as that is, there is food downstairs that is calling my name. Adios bitchachos" I replied quickly, throwing a peace sign up as I jogged downstairs to the kitchen.

The boys joined me a few seconds later.  "We should go out for breakfast.  As a celebration"  Louis suggests.

"But we're gonna eat out a lot on tour" I counter.  The thought of taking a shower and changing my clothes sounds like too much work right now.  Call me lazy, I will 100% agree with you.

"Then why don't you make us something" Zayn suggests.  All heads turn towards me.  I turn my attention to Liam.

"Be the best big brother ever and make us all breakfast? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I give him my best puppy dog face and he gives in.  What a sucker.  I smirk to myself and head to the living room, plopping down on the couch.


Niall's POV

Liam gives in to Alex's puppy dog face, like always.  I bet she could ask to set a bomb and blow up a building using that face and he'd give in.  He needs to grow some balls. 

Zayn, Harry, and I follow Alex to the living room leaving Louis and Liam in the kitchen.  Alex leans against my chest and I wrap an arm around her tiny body. 

"Did you see Liam this morning? He looked pissed.." she whispered.

"Yeah.  We didn't even do anything I don't get why he gets like that" I reply.

"Exactly!  He's so annoying sometimes" she groans in frustration. 

"Breakfast is ready!!" Louis calls and we both run into the kitchen as if we were competing in the Hunger Games. 




Alex's POV 

Liam keeps me after breakfast to help clean up.  I think he just wanted to go off on how me and Niall were sleeping together last night.

"Al we need to talk" he starts. Here we go..

"Yeah?  What's up?" I ask, rinsing the plates off. 

"What happened last night?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What happened between you and Niall last night?" He questions.

"Nothing happened."

"But you were sleeping together...In the same bed."

"So?  Do you ever think that sleeping with someone is just that?  Sleeping?  Sleeping with someone and having sex with them are two totally different things.  Niall and I were tired.  We fell asleep in the same bed.  Nothing happened.  Why can't you understand that?  Do you not trust me?" I get out in one breath.

"No, I trust you it's just that-"

"It's just what?  That you don't want me to live my life doing what I want to do?  Ever since I've been living with you you're always breathing down my neck! I get it!  I'm your baby sister and you just want to protect me!  Please just stop!  I love you to death, Liam.  I really do but please just calm your pits."

Right as I'm about to walk to my room, Liam grabs my arm.


"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Niall is having a bad influence on you.  Please just stay away from him, okay?  All of a sudden you're this carefree, crazy teenage girl who doesn't take life too seriously.  You're literally a girl version of him.  What happened to the shy insecure Alex?  What happened to my sister? "

"She grew up, that's what happened."  With that I walked out of the kitchen and past the boys who were eavesdropping on us.

"Al" Niall tried to get my attention.

"I just..I need fresh air."

Niall's POV

Liam just had to start another argument with Alex again.  Lou, Zayn, Harry, and I all eavesdropped. 

Alex came out of the kitchen and when I tried to ask if everything was alright, she responded with "I just..I need fresh air" and walked to the back yard.

Of course, I followed her.

"Babe" I said when I reached her behind the big old oak tree.

"I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to be near you apparently" she said mocking Liam.

"Fuck what Liam says.  Do what you want.  Liam might not want us together, but do you?" I ask looking into her hazel eyes.

"Yeah" she says barely above a whisper.

"Then we'll be together" I tell her confidently.


"We'll see each other still but we can't act like a couple or whatever we are around Liam.  And don't act suspicious, okay?  We just have to act like everything's fine."  She nods in agreement.

"So it's like in those cheesy love movies when the guy and girl go behind the parents back to see each other" she grins up at me.

"I guess, yeah" I chuckle.

She leans toward me, placing her soft, delicate lips on mine.

"No one could keep me away from you" she whispers before kissing me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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