Chapter 4

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Alex's pov

I quickly finish my food and put the plate in the sink. Then, I walk casually to the living room and stretch out onto the couch, turning the TV on. Halfway into endlessly through the channels the boys and Kelsey walk in. "Scoot over Al" Liam says. I don't move, instead, I keep flipping through channels. "Don't make me sit in you" Louis warns. My eyebrows raise and he finishes "no, I'm not kidding." I sigh and sit up, bringing my knees to my chest as Louis and Liam sit next to me. Harry sits down on the beanbag and Niall and Kelsey sit on the love seat.

"So what does everyone wanna do today?" Liam pipes up. No one has any ideas. "Well, I'm going for a run. Anyone can join me if you would like" I give them all a fake smile and go change.

When I get downstairs, Louis is waiting by the door in shorts and a t-shirt. "Ready?" I ask. He nods and opens the door for me.

Louis and I jog at a slow pace. "So what do you think of Kelsey?" He asks. I ignore him and jog a little faster. He chuckles and catches up to me. "You know they're not dating right?" I slow down to a walk.

"I know it's gonna happen though. Eventually. They may be 'just friends' now but they're going to go out" I say. "How are you so sure?" He asks again. This time I come to a complete stop and turn to face the Doncaster boy. "Have you seen her, Lou? She's gorgeous. Any guy would die to have her. Now her and Niall are gonna be together 24/7. I literally have no chance" I sigh. Louis meets my gaze, both of our eyes wide. Quickly, my gaze shifts to the ground.

"I always knew you liked him" he whispered. "I don't like him.. Even if I did, you don't have any proof" I state. "Al, how stupid do you think I am? I see the way you look at him. How you can't stop laughing when you're with him. How you're always clinging onto him. Oh, and don't forget... You did sleep together" he winks.

"I don't like him. We are best friends" I sigh. There's no way I like Niall like that. We're best friends. Nothing more. I know he doesn't like me like that anyway.

Liam would kill him if he liked me or I liked him. So, there's really no point in even liking him. I know you can't help who you like. It just... Happens.

Shaking the thoughts out of my mind, I begin to jog again. We go around town and eventually stop to eat lunch. Then, we go to a park nearby and swing on the swings. Right when Louis is halfway through the monkey bars, he falls on his big fat butt.

You know when you laugh so hard that you fall on the ground and no noise comes out? That's what's happening right now. Even though he's laughing, Louis is trying to make sure his butt is okay. "Is it still curvy?" He asks, walking up to me. "You have got to be kidding me Lou" I laugh, wiping the tears out of my eyes. "This is a serious question!" He whines.

I walk over, pat his bum, and laugh. "It's still the biggest ass in France." We both burst out laughing.


We get back to the house when the sun is setting.

"Where were you guys? You've been gone all day" Liam blurts out the minute we walk in the door. "Chill. We just went for a walk" I sigh.

"All day? Al you know better than to do that. And you didn't take your phone? You could at least be more responsible" his voice raises slightly. "I'm not a child! I can go and do whatever I want. I didn't get hurt, I'm perfectly fine! Louis was with me the whole time. Just chill the heck out" I tighten my ponytail.

Before he can say anything else, I turn to walk up to my room. Liam grabs my hand. My injured hand. I wince and turn to him. "What?" My voice comes out weaker than I was expecting it to. "I was just worried. That's all. I didn't know if something happened.. I'm sorry" his voice gets soft at the end.

"Can you let go? You're hurting me." He quickly lets go and mumbles a sorry as I leave to go upstairs.


After a quick shower and I get in sweatpants and a tank top, I go back downstairs. Louis pats the empty spot next to him on the couch. I sit between him and Zayn. "Everything alright between you and Liam?" The Bradford boy asks. I shrug "I guess... He's been so... Annoying lately though. I don't know what's going on like is he on his man period or something?" Zayn bursts out laughing. "Well I don't know!" I exclaim... "Sorry.. Didn't mean to say it that loud" I laugh nervously.

Niall's pov

Alex and Louis finally return from their run. They've been gone all day. I was worried, but Liam was practically pulling out his hair. He was flipping out that something happened to them. They bicker and Alex goes up to shower.

When she comes back, she sits between Louis and Zayn. They whisper and she laughs "well I don't know!" Her cheeks are tinted a light shade of pink when she realized that she said that really loud. "Sorry... Didn't mean to say it that loud" she apologizes.

Everyone talks over the low hum of the TV. I keep my eye on Alex, I don't know why. That sounds stupid, but I feel like I have to protect her. Especially if Liam messes up again.

I try to stay interested in some fashion story Kelsey is talking about but I just can't. It's so boring, my mind drifts to other things.

I'm brought back to reality when Alex falls to the floor laughing. What happened? Louis is laughing at Alex laughing which makes them both laugh harder. Louis somehow rolls off the couch and into the ground next to Alex. They're both clutching their stomachs, laughing so hard it's silent. Everyone is looking at them like they're some sort of freaks, which they are. It's amusing though.

When they are all laughed out, Alex rests her head on Louis' chest. Jealousy gets the best of me when I pull Kelsey on my lap. Why am I jealous? Alex is just like a sister to me. This is stupid. I honestly don't know why I'm jealous but something about her laying on Louis triggers something in me to become jealous. It's really stupid and I can't even think straight.

Alex sighs and wraps her arm around Louis' small frame, cuddling close to him. I feel my anger rising. Calm down Niall. She's just your friend. You have Kelsey. Of course, we aren't dating or anything. We're just friends. Nothing more. But when Louis wraps his arm around Alex, I get really angry. So I let my crazy teenage hormones take over.

And as everyone watches, I kiss Kelsey.

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