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twitter: sweetlyashtxn


*Louis's POV*

I wrapped my arms tight around Mica as she slept after constantly crying on and off. She had just told everything possible about herself and I now had time to think about what to say when she awoke. What if I just told her it'd be okay and comforted her? Should I talk more to her about it? Act like she never mentioned it?  Maybe, no, the first idea will work just fine, it's settled. I looked around the room, at the TV, at the floor, desk, ceiling, and checked the clock. It was passed midnight and soon to be morning, I yawned and gently kissed her head. She whimpered softly and snuggled more into my side, I grabbed a blanket, threw it over her body and began drifting off to sleep.

The sudden thought hit me, there is fucking school tomorrow.

  "Shit, Mica, wake up."


 It had been exactly one day since i had last had Mica over, I smirked to myself remembering how I had to sneak her out and walk her back to her house in the middle of the night. I remember how she was so tired I had to carry her on my back like it was a piggy back ride. Usually I try not to be judgmental but she did live in a horrible house. It was completely trashed just from the outside. There were cracks in the concrete on the small porch, there was no screen door, and the windows were cracked. I remember whispering that I was sorry and kissing her forehead.

  Right now all I could do was wait to hear from her again, the chances are I wouldn't for a few days unless I ran into on the street or she texted me. There was a limit to how many hours you could work in a week if you were under eighteen, I had already exceeded it. I rolled my eyes and flopped on the bed, everyone was pissing me off today especially at school with how people tried to be "better." That's the only reason I ever got beaten up, not because of like bullying, I was okay-ly liked in school, it wasn't horrible. I only got hit because I liked to get rude with everyone, it's in my nature, what can I say?

 Knowing what Mica goes through now just amazes me how her beautiful soul had to suffer so much pain on a day to day basis. I wanted to keep her here with me but she insisted on going home or else her father would be even angrier especially if he woke up and she wasn't home. She must have been right because I haven't gotten a text back since, that made me nervous not knowing what was happening to her.

  I grabbed the TV remote and smashed the power button, turning it off as I uncovered my bed, it was only 7 but I figured I wouldn't end up falling asleep until 9 anyway so why not get a head start. I brushed my teeth and stripped down to my boxers. I covered myself with the pile of blankets that sat in the chair next to my bed and waited till sleep fell over me.


  I groggily stomped out of bed and tried to read the clock- nothing- i rubbed my eyes and the blur soon became cleared. I yawned, who the hell would be knocking on my door at 2 in the morning. I sighed still in my boxers as i reached to unlock the door, turned the handle to reveal my mom with a robe on.

 "You might want to go downstairs, there's a girl here for you." She rolled her eyes at my being confused.

 I walked quickly down the hallways until I made it to the front door. Mica stood in the room right outside the door with a thin blanket wrapped around her.

  "I didn't know what I was going to do if you didn't answer." I snaked my arms around her soon feeling her tears on my bare skin. I walked her over to the sofa and rested her on my lap.

  "Hey," I wiped away the tears with my thumb and kissed her forehead slightly, "what happened love?"

  "My dad, he," she hiccupped with tears. I already knew before she finished, Mica was raped once again. I wasn't getting tired of her but I was getting seriously tired of her father doing this to her. I glanced down in a sigh, I realized he didn't just do one thing to her. Bruises covered her inner thighs, green and blue.

  "MiMi," I whispered lifting her chin up slightly, "it's alright I'm here. Don't be scared, babe. He won't do this to you again, I promise." She sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand and nodded.

  I picked her up gently from my lap and carried her bridal style into my bedroom, taking off her shoes and laying her on my bed. I covered her with all my blankets and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry love, I'll never leave you." With that I shut the door leaving only a little crack of light in between and walked out. I guess I'll be on the couch tonight.


  I woke up around 10 with a horrid pain in my neck, my every movement was a chance. I went to the bathroom cabinet to find my pain medicine from the local grocery store. I washed my face and styled my hair in the usual messy-like look luckily I always kept most of my daily clothes in the closet across the hall from here. I decided on the usual t-shirt and black skinnies. I glanced in the bedroom to check on Mica and entered back to the living room and played on my phone for a couple hours then watched TV. I sighed and looked at the time, 1 pm now, how much longer was she going to sleep? I decided to get up and eat something now, frozen waffles i guess. I popped one in the toaster until it was still slightly cold in the center, my liking then ate it plain.

  I slowly turned my head to see Mica limping with a big blanket around her, struggling to make it down the hall, I ran to catch her before she tripped to the ground. She whimpered softly and curled up in a ball on the floor near the bedroom door. "Mica, come here love," I patted my lap now sitting on the floor with her,” I know this hurts you, I'm sorry babe. I really am, come here." She sleepily moved over and laid her head down on my thighs facing my stomach staring into my eyes for the first time.

  "Thank you Louis." I combed through her hair with my fingers, I glanced back down her lower body and seeing more bruises that were not visible last night. Her thighs, her lower stomach, and her wrists were decorated in and blue and black endless pattern. I carefully picked her hand up and kissed the spots with the deepest bruises, I massaged her hand cupping her wrist.

"Your bruises may need some ice," I picked her up and laid her back on the sofa returning last night’s places. "Have the rest of this waffle," I placed it in her hand and ran into my room and picked up one of my largest t-shirts to cover her and my old wrist brace from my desk drawer. I ran back into the living room to assist her into the shirt and place the brace on the most bruised wrist. I entered the kitchen to get an ice pack for her stomach and placed it over the shirt so it wouldn't be as cold. I then sat at her feet picking them up and gently dropping them on my lap massaging them softly, that's how I spent my day, how she spent hers also.


twitter: sweetlyashtxn

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