It began with boredom - Chapter 1

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I don’t know how to do a Copyright thingy so really I don’t own any characters apart from Maria Barbossa, Copyright to the creators of Pirates of the Caribbean.

I woke up to Hannah opening the curtains for me, I love waking up to the sun light  however looking out of the window I can see that today is going to take a turn for the worst as there are dark clouds closing in. I live in the Governors household as he is my father. I also have a sister, Elizabeth, she is father’s favourite daughter and only she is allowed to call him Father. It hurts me when he says this but I just let it pass.

“Morning Miss, Mr Swan has asked that you dress appropriately today as it is Commodore Norrington’s celebration today.”

“Morning Hannah, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Maria?”

“Morning Maria, which dress would you like to wear today?” Hannah asks while looking through my wardrobe, I hate dresses they are so heavy and normally I ditch the corset but today I am to wear one as it is a formal event we are attending, well FORCED to attend.

“There was that so hard? And you can pick, you know how much I LOVE dresses” Hannah laughs at my sarcasm while helping me with my corset.

“Knock Knock it’s only me. Morning Maria” Elizabeth my older sister calls as she walks into my room.

“Morning Elizabeth what can I do for you?” I ask while trying to adjust to the lack of oxygen in my lungs from this damn corset. Elizabeth looks beautiful however in her new imported gown from England, she always does.

“Hannah you may leave I will help Maria continue to dress.” Hannah nods respectfully and then leaves the room.

“What is the matter Elizabeth why did Hannah have to leave?” I am starting to worry as Elizabeth has a sad look in her eyes.

“Well today is your 18th birthday yes?” She pauses so I nod in reply Elizabeth continues “Well when you were just a month old you put on our doorstep and with you were to notes one addressed to Father and one to you. Father never liked you calling him Father because he isn’t yours it wasn’t because he hated you or preferred me it was just that he knew if he grew close to you; it would hurt him more when you were taken away. I’m sorry I never told you this, and I am afraid to say that Fathers plan didn’t work as he loves you dearly, as do I.” Elizabeth was crying now and I felt a trickle slowly running down my cheek. The people I called my family weren’t all these years the people who I trusted the most lied to me. At least now I know that it wasn’t favouritism from Father, I mean Mr Swan, it was just because I wasn’t his daughter.

“Maria are you ok? I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you please forgive me I don’t care that we are not related by blood you will always be my sister.”

“Miss Elizabeth your Father requests your presence downstairs, please.” Hannah says while poking her head around the door, she then leaves again. When Elizabeth has finished helping me into my dress she leaves a note on the table and leaves. I can’t bring myself to talk to her or forgive her; of course I love her it’s just that she lied to me for my whole life how can we ever get past that? Well I better read the letter now rather than later, why put it off what else could be worse than being lied to? My parents being: pirates? Tyrants? Dead? I honestly couldn’t care anymore, they obviously didn’t.

To my dearest Maria,

I am terribly sorry that I must leave you. I am dying and I would hate for you to go through losing a Mother as it would be too hard for you to deal with and then being left to fend for yourself on the streets. It is with deep regret that I have to give you up, my beautiful baby girl, you see I met your Father and we conceived you out of wedlock and because my Family was one of high class they shunned me away. I am to live on the streets, where I have picked up an awful disease. I have written to your Father and he will now know about your existence. I have told him where you live and will grow up, I also asked him to leave you alone and to grow into a woman of 18 until he can contact you, I want you to have a good life so please don’t hate me for keeping your Father away. He is neither a noble man nor a man who follows the law. He is a pirate, and that is why I can’t let him have you until you are 18, by then you will be wise enough to know the dangers and learn how to fight. Your Father’s name is Captain Barbossa of the Black Pearl, he will come for you but only go if you want to, do not be forced.

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