Revealing the truth - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Will helped me and Elizabeth back onto the boat. I searched for the one person I knew would understand.  Anna-Maria. She took one look at me and opened her arms. Once I was there I started crying once again.

Not more pirates” Elizabeth complains as she stands up and moves closer to Will. Mr Gibbs moves through the crowd of pirates and towards Elizabeth.

Welcome aboard, Miss Elizabeth” he tells her while bowing and kissing her hand. Probably to have a laugh at her expense, as she curtsied. Her face was full of shock.

Mr. Gibbs?” Elizabeth asked probably wondering how he became a pirate.

Hey, boy, where be Jack?” Mr Gibbs asks Will which causes a fresh wave of tears to come pouring out of my eyes, Anna-Maria hugs me closer which gets her evils off Elizabeth. She is probably jealous that I wouldn’t let her comfort me but I’ll let a pirate.

He fell behind” Will says simply. I glare at Will as I know the lies that he is telling everyone. Will and Elizabeth move below deck.

Keep to the code” Mr Gibbs tells everyone after a minute to get over the shock

Weigh anchor! Hoist the sails! Make quickly, divvies” Anna-Maria shouts as I send her a reassuring smile and move below deck to follow Elizabeth and Will.

When I am down below I stay hidden in the shadows ready to let them know i’m there if they say anything wrong. They look very cosy while Will sits trying to wrap her hands, if they both lifted their head they would be kissing.

You said you gave Barbossa my name as yours. Why?”

“I don’t know”

Elizabeth why give him Maria’s name then?”

“I knew that he was her father and so I thought it would protect me but then he started to suspect me so I changed it to yours but after you saved me he must have thought I am his daughter as he shouted to stop them shooting at me”

“He might have seen Maria” Will tried to offer an explanation but he knew it was no good.

“No he didn’t know she was there” Elizabeth sighed and then removed a medallion from around her neck; it was the one Barbossa was using to try and break the curse. Thinking about that I’ll have to ask Elizabeth about the curse as I have no idea what it is but i’m sure that she knows.

“It’s yours” It’s yours she tells Will while putting t in his hand.

I thought I’d lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me. Why did you take it?” He looked angry and betrayed at this action.

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