Goodbye Jack - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I am still crying over my dead Father’s body. Jack sat in my ear whispering how sorry he was for shooting him.

“Love, i’m truly sorry. I shouldn’t have done it” He told me while moving me away from Barbossa’s body and onto his lap. He sat rocking me whispering sweet nothings in my ear until I stopped crying.

“It’s ok Jack he was going to shoot Elizabeth or me. You saved my life again. Thanks Jack” I tell him with a sad smile.   I pull him to his feet and I crush my lips against his. The feeling of pure love fills my body, this is where I belong. With Jack I know that I am home.

“I love you Maria” Jack tells me while pecking me softly on my lips.

“I love you too Jack, but I still have to go back, Father will be waiting for me” I tell him with a sad smile while leaning up to give him another kiss but his hand covers my mouth.

“No not after everything we have been through, you can’t leave me. Especially not for him, he doesn’t deserve you, I might not either but at least I will treat you right so please stay with me don’t go back” He tells me while grabbing hold of my arms and starts to shake me as if he wants to shake some sense into me.

“Jack you’re hurting me, stop it please. I can’t do it Jack. I have to marry him and you know it” I tell him while the tears flowed freely down my face.

“No I won’t let you go” He tells me. I wince from the pain that he sends through my body as his grip on my arm tightens.

“Let her go Jack” Will tells Jack while he turns me into his chest giving me a much needed hug.

“Fine but I don’t care if you have a rubbish marriage as I gave you the option Maria. I gave you my heart!” He tells me with one last glance and walks away to sort the treasure.

“Are you ok Maria?” Will asks me while he pulls out of the hug.

“I’m fine just a bit sore but I think that was the fight with the pirates rather than Jack” I tell him with a little laugh.

“Ok that’s good. Maria, Jack is right. You can’t marry Beckett he is an awful man. I don’t know what he did to you but if he so much as hurts you then you come running to me and I will sort it. Ok?” Will told me while we walked towards Elizabeth. I sit down on a crown while Elizabeth and Will sort everything out.

“We should return to the Dauntless” Elizabeth tells Will, it looked like they were about to kiss but then she changed her mind. Silly Girl, it’s obvious they are made for each other.

“Your fiancé will want to know you’re safe” Will tells Elizabeth with a lot of spite in his voice. I turn to see Jack walking up to Will wearing a crown and jewels. Elizabeth turns and walks away.

“If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it. Now, if you’ll be so kind, I’d be much obliged if you’d drop me off my ship” Jack tells Will.

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