Family Tree - Chapter 3

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Please read my Authors note at the end :)

Chapter 3

Jack, Will and I had reached Tortuga. I managed to sulk in my cabin most of the time; I managed to call dobs on the Captain’s quarters so that is now my area on every ship we are going to be sailing on. When we were at sea I kept hearing whispers and I felt like I was being drawn towards the sea. A couple of times Will and Jack had to stop me from walking over board due to my day dreams. We had only been in Tortuga five minutes before Jack was slapped by some cheap tart. Sorry I mean some lady, I don’t understand why I said that. We were currently looking for one of Jack’s friends someone called ‘Gibbs’ it rings a bell actually but I can’t think of where from. We are standing outside a pigs den but there seems to be a man sleeping there, i’m not sure why Will and I had to carry buckets of water from the local pump to this sty. Jack grabs my bucket and throws it on top of the sleeping man startling the sleeping man awake.

“Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot! Mother’s love! Jack! You should know better than to wake a man when he’s sleeping. ‘S bad luck” The sleeping man Jack calls Gibbs shouted at Jack he glanced at me and then looked away before returning to stare at me.

“Do you’s too know each other lovey?” Jack asked us obviously noticing how Gibbs was looking at me.

“It must be 10 yrs eh Ms Swan, it’s me Mi’ter Gibbs of the royal Navy, I was there the day we fished young Will here out of the sea” Gibbs explained to me, that must have been where I recognised him from. When we were sailing Elizabeth saw a boy in the water and then when we looked up you could see a burning ship but there was a pirate ship sailing in the other direction. Mr Gibbs had always been obsessed with pirates and the ‘rules’ of the sea. Father had banned us from speaking to him when we were younger but I heard that he had been caught stealing and banned from the navy.

“Gibbs, fortunately I know how to counter it, the bad look be it that I speak of. The man who did the waking buys, the man who was sleeping, a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking.” Jack trailed off obviously ignoring the fact that I knew Gibbs and that we had been having a conversation inbetween.

Aye, that'll about do it.” I look up and out of the corner of my eye I see Will throw his bucket of water over Gibbs “Blast! I’m already awake!”

That was for the smell.” Will states with a simple shrug of his shoulders and I burst out laughing, Jack looks down at me slightly amused.

“Mr Turner, can I trust you to look after Ms Swan and help her find her way to the Inn that we will be drinking in?” Jack asks Will in his serious voice and does some weird thing with his eyebrows.

“Of course” Will tells Jack while looking down at me with a grin spread across his face, probably because I am still laughing.

“Well Mr Gibbs and I will meet you there”

I watch as Jack and Mr Gibbs walk off, as soon as Will knows they can no longer see us he too bursts into a fit of laughter.

After 5 minutes of laughing Will and I make our way to the Inn. Tortuga is an amazing place, it’s full of freedom and pirates, most “ladies” would hate it but because I am born to be free I feel right at home. Will leads me into the pub where Jack and Mr Gibbs are, I see Jack tell the landlady something and then she walks towards me and embraces me in a hug.

“Ello Maria, i’m Daphne, come this way and we’ll get some things you’ll be need while travelling with Jack” I follow Daphne into the back; she has a large dressing room and loads of dresses.

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