A Toast and Words of Honesty

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The first thing Cornelius did was give a toast, just as the food was coming out, piping hot and ready to be eaten upon this cold Christmas Eve, he stood up, tapping his glass of champagne with a spoon. I was bringing out a plate of something spicy and sour. It smelled wonderful and I was tempted to try it. But Cornelius' words distracted me.

"Friends, foes and servants. All of you whom have joined me this winter evening to enjoy a dinner worthy of the Queen herself. I have known many of you for a very short time yes, I will admit that. And I will admit many of you think me strange, odd even. But I wish to tell you that, no matter how mad I may seem I would give the world and all the treasures of it, to repeat tonight. For tonight, I truly feel I've created connections with my home and those who reside here. And I hope that in the future, you will all visit me again and we will enjoy Christmas here time and time again." Everyone clapped, smiling at their host with adoration and respect. He had known them for a mere night and already he was the hit of the party. But that was Cornelius, never boring, always invigorated. Then he turned his gaze to me.

"And now, I will have one of my servants, give a toast as well. Edith, would you do the honors?" I felt my heart stop for a long second, no pulse, no beat, just empty shock. What? Had he just asked me to make a toast? To these important lords and ladies?! I took a slow breath, mind numb. Hampton spoke softly,

"Perhaps I should do it my lord. She is..." Cornelius waved a hand, giving me a small nod.

"Oh Hampton, I trust her. How about it Edith? One for all of us? For me?" Licking my lips slowly I nodded, trying not to be sick upon the carpet. Flo handed me a champagne glass and I stared at the bubbly liquid, only to look into Cornelius' eyes, so mix-matched, so confusing, so...soft that I managed to speak.

"My lord...my lord has not known me long, nor have I known him. But I don't believe I could ever truly know him, all of him, in a decade of servitude or even a century. For he is much like the city itself, always changing, always morphing into something more amazing. Astounding his staff with his moods and ideas, shocked such brilliant and mad ideas could come from such a man. And never has he ever raised a hand against his staff, for he respects us and everyone in this room in a way that is too heartfelt to describe. Which is why I believe myself lucky to work and be in the mere presence of such a man, may he do great things in the future, for himself and all of London." I finished, voice trembling. Cornelius grinned, and for a second, I thought I saw the face of a boy no older than I, grinning at me with smudged cheeks and the proudest grin upon his face as if he had won an award. A boy who hid away the sadness in his heart with a key. And that key was mere inches from my fingertips. But before I could grab it, polite applause broke out; breaking the bond the two of us had shared. Before I could blink the boy was gone, tucked away under the many faces of Cornelius. And the face I was left with was the witty host, who could charm anyone into doing what he pleased.

"Well my friends, do enjoy yourselves!" he beamed, sitting down and taking a deep drink of his champagne. Everyone drank from their glasses but Hampton swiftly took the glass from my grasp, giving me a murderous glare.

"You are a servant. And as the lords and ladies feast, you are to enjoy your own dinner. Down in the servant's quarters. Immediately." He growled. I gave a bob of respect before walking past Cornelius on my way out, only to hear him whisper over the rim of his glass.

"I knew I could trust you Edith. I always have." My cheeks flushed in surprise and I hurried down the stairs. Trust, he trusted me. How I ached to tell him of Hampton. But I knew if I did that, there would be nothing left of me for him to trust. No, this was not his burden to bare. It was mine and mine alone.

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