Reunion in a Bedroom

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"Edith you're back!!!" Flo, always one for grand welcomes, practically tackled me to the hardwood floor once I came in. I gave a pained wince.

" ankle..." She suddenly leapt off me, gasping in surprise.

"You've been gone so long I was worried you weren't coming back! You have to tell me everything that happened outside alright! Every last detail!"

"Yes, please tell us Edith, everything." I whirled around, finding Agatha standing behind me, arms crossed. I looked down, suddenly uneasy. I knew Agatha cared for Cornelius, would she be angry I was involved in getting him hurt? The thought of an angry Agatha raging towards me made me a little ill.

"Please Agatha, you have to listen to me, I never meant for Cornelius to get..." Agatha sighed, rubbing her eyes before interrupting me. The woman looked so worn that I instantly went quiet.

"Cornelius is awake and wants to talk to you first. He's been recovering nicely, just needing to rest and eat a warm meal. Hampton however, wasn't so lucky."

"Is he..."

"Dead? Yes, we had to bury him quick to keep anyone from getting suspicious. Awful lot of blood on the snow too, that drew a couple eyes. Anyway, the authorities came, we told them what we saw, and they are pressing no charges against either of you." A breath of relief escaped me,

"God Agatha thank you so much, you don't know how much it means..." She raised a hand, quickly silencing me.

"Just go up to him, we can talk later once he's asleep." That's when I heard a voice that had haunted my dreams for a good week.

"Agatha, I can still hear you, and I don't think talking about me while I'm asleep is a very good idea." My heart fluttered and I struggled up the steps, my bloody ankle bothering me with every step. Once I managed to get to his room I opened the door and found him lying in bed, an actual bed. He sat up when I saw him and both of us grinned like fools. I limped up to him, wrapping my arms around his body tightly.

"Oh Cornelius, you're in a real bed." I giggled, unable to help feeling foolish at my words. It was just, I'd never seen him in a bed before, he'd always been in his chair that now, seeing him lying here, was the oddest thing.

"Agatha said I needed to sleep and I was passed out from loss of blood so, I doubt I had much of a say in the choice. And what about you? Is that ankle of yours sprained?" I shook my head.

"Just pulled when I fell. I...I came to thank you Cornelius, thank you for everything you've done for me." He made me sit down on the bedside, the mattress a soft cloud under my fingers. Taking my hand he asked in a ginger voice.

"And the medicine?" My smile faltered.

"My father...I..." I couldn't finish it, I just couldn't. My mouth was too dry to say those terrible, terrible words. Cornelius gave a nod, pushing a lock of hair from my face.

"And your mother? Is she alright?"

"She's recovered, healthy as can be thanks to you." I then furrowed my brow, looking him over. Examine the wrinkled white pajamas he wore thar Agatha had probably helped him into, his chaotic blonde hair that hadn't been brushed in days and the uncertain look in those glorious mix matched eyes of his. That's when I finally managed to ask a question of my own. 

"How are you feeling? That was quite a lot of blood." He shook his head.

"I'm fine, I mean, Agatha has kept me bedridden for days in normal clothing and she wouldn't let me use my Arabian medicine kit to perhaps ease the pain with ancient salves and my poor pets have been stuck in their room without any affection for a while. But other than that, I've been doing wonderful." We were silent a long moment, my own mind empty of what to talk about. He must have noticed my guilty expression as it was my fault he was injured, causing him to hastily add,

"I do apologize if I sounded cynical, I suppose I'm just frustrated and restless." Another pause. Then, he spoke, voice slightly hesitant.

"Edith, do you ever intend on returning to work? If not I understand perfectly, you might want to take care of your mother and..." however, before he could finish I had done the bravest thing in my whole life. I had kissed him on the cheek, causing his words to falter and eyes to go wide. Cornelius' cheeks grew warm with blush and I gave a smile.

"You must be mad to think I would abandon you or this job, especially after all you've done for me. How soon can I be back to work?" He rubbed his cheek bashfully, for once looking as shy as could be. It was actually rather adorable to look at really.

"As soon as possible." He said teasingly, a smile as bright as the sun creeping across his face. It made me grin as well. That was the Cornelius I wanted to know more than any other. The Cornelius I loved with all my heart.

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