Just Hold On

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The next morning everyone was bustling excitedly, murmuring and giggling and patting each other on the back. Getting to my feet I turned to Flo who sat beside me, looking bored.

"Flo? What on earth is going on? Why is everyone so excited?" She glanced at me before murmuring.

"Oh, well the party took place the day before Christmas and today, we have the entire day off. We can decide to stay here or we can go home. Well, it isn't entirely true that we get the day off, for those of us who stay, one of us just needs to serve and make him a meal and that's it. He also sends everyone who goes home a meal of fresh bread and cheese for the family. Please tell me you'll stay!" I grinned.

"We get the whole day off? Oh Flo I'm sorry, I just have to go home, I need to visit my family. I need to make..." I paused suddenly, just before I said, "make sure my father is getting better" That for sure would have raised suspicion. A dead giveaway.

"Make what?" Flo inquired,

"make...sure my mother hasn't grown too worried about me. She gets frightfully nervous when I'm away, though she won't usually admit it." Flo seemed to accept it; instead turning the instant Cornelius entered the room. And Lord above he looked exhausted! Bags under his eyes his hair was a messy ruffle along with his suit. Rubbing his eyes slowly Cornelius stretched and gave a bright smile.

"I do apologize for my appearance. I happened to take a few of my pets to my room and they kept me up all night with their odd little night habits. Anyway, who exactly is leaving me today?" I raised my hand and if I looked around, I found another four servants with their hands up as well. But to my embarrassment and slight surprise, he held his gaze on me. And it seemed...disappointed. I suddenly felt like I had let him down in some silent way. And it nearly made me put my hand down. However, the haunting memory of my father's pasty face, sunken in eyes and raspy breath made me stand tall.

"Well, if that is all of you I wish you a Happy Christmas. And for those of you staying, I wish you the same. Good day!" With that I made my way to the table where a few loaves of bread sat, warm from the oven, and took some cheese with me as well before saying goodbye to Flo. She hugged me and wished me a safe trip before I left, greeted by icy cold winds and smothering snow once outside. Hopefully, father was still holding strong.

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