"I Am Cornelius E. Tessington"

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It was completely soundless and inside I found a beautiful room painted all green. It was painted like a jungle that storytellers would speak of, with wild beasts and great big trees that touched the sky. Creatures were painted on the wall as well, all of them so colorful that it took my breath away, as if they could leap off the wall any minute now. There were creatures that looked like they were part cat yet they seemed too big to be like any of the scrawny cats on our street. It was spotted and had large golden eyes of a predator. There was a bird that looked like it was made from the rainbow, mostly red but with blue and green and yellow too. It was in flight and made me smile faintly. That's something I wished for every day, the ability to fly away, to fly to find somewhere better. Then, I heard a chuckle.

"So, you like the room hm? Got it painted from an artist from Italy, he did such a good job that whenever I invite people in the ladies squeal as if the creatures are real, especially the jaguar. It's a great room to take tea in," I spun to find a figure sitting in a lavish chair, one hand in his lap while the other supported his head on the chair arm, an amused expression on his lips. The first thing that came to mind was, "Oh lord, he's handsome, is he really an eccentric?" He chuckled again, as if enjoying a joke, making me flush bright red for daring to think about him like that. How dare I think my master (hopefully) was handsome, it wasn't right! But then again, it was true, he had blond locks that hung in an almost boyish look, partly over his eyes and creamy skin that looked like he'd stepped into the sun and stayed there for a part of his life. He wore a green suit and a blue undershirt, a purple tie around his neck in a loose, carefree sort of way. Deep blue gloves covered his hands and his eyes...they were odd. One eye was a deep blue like his gloves while the other was a powerful green like that of the room itself. But both were lively, eyes of someone who enjoyed life to the fullest. He smiled at me faintly and looked me up and down, as if inspecting me. I suddenly felt bashful, as if wearing my nightgown instead of my best clothes. Then he spoke, his tone light and wily, the voice a happy fox would have. "You're pretty aren't you? It's hard to find young women with such lovely green eyes nowadays," I felt my face grow hotter. He'd just complimented me? Just like that? Well I had to thank him but my tongue felt stuck to the roof of my mouth, too dry to say anything. He sat up straight and clasped his hands on his lap. "You remind me of someone, I don't know who though. Sorry, getting a little off track here. You are here for a job aren't you? Tell me your name first, that's how interactions work, or rather, should work according to society," I opened my mouth and managed to choke out.

"E..Edith, Edith Owen," I felt so stupid, why couldn't I speak? He nodded, as if taking it in before replying.

"Well Edith, I am Cornelius E. Tessington, Cornelius to my friends, crackpot to my enemies. I do rather prefer the first one though. Now, would you mind telling me why you want this job?" I felt hesitation hold back my words, as if hoarding them as a miser does his money. I couldn't tell him my father was ill, my mother had advised against that, she'd told me that if a lord knew you had sick people at home they would turn you away in fear you might be carrying the disease. Even if we were healthy. So I decided on a few choice lines my mother had told me worked best.

"You see sir, I am looking for work to support my family, my mother has found some difficulties finding work and decided I should help support the family," He stroked his chin even though there was no hairs there, which I surprisingly found funny.

"What was your mother's job?" I felt myself blurting out things before even thinking.

"A maid...for lord Redlaw," To my surprise he began chuckling.

"Redlaw no doubt fired her for her age, he's odd like that; he tries to feel older and more in power by only taking people younger and stupider that him. I find that funny since if you knew him, there are very few people like that left on the planet!" I found myself smiling at that joke; this man was crazy; cracking jokes while checking a woman for a job. However I quickly regained control of myself and began to speak again when he spoke once more. "What about your father? What does he do?" I felt my smile drop to the floor, but as much as I wanted to look away I didn't.

"H..He works in a factory, for making glass," He smiled.

"I tried making glass once in I believe India, oh how awful it came out. I almost got the molten stuff on my father's best suit and sucked a bit of it into the tube! I really felt bad because it shattered as well, all over the man trying to help me. I then swore never to make glass, ever. Your father must be good at it, then again, you have to be a master at your job to keep it these days," He then paused and I turned to the door, finding harsh whispers outside, no doubt the woman and the stuffy man arguing. Cornelius sighed, "Goodness gracious, those two will never get along; I have half the mind to lock them in a closet until they solve their disputes. Then again, if I do they will probably tear down the door trying to get out!" The hushed whispering stopped and Cornelius nodded before turning those intricate eyes back to me, as if calculating in his head. Then he spoke. "Do you like stories Edith? Do you like adventures and dangers that make you feel alive? But, a more important question, if a man wants to wear his nightwear about his house all day, and sleep in his suit, does that make him mad?" I felt taken aback by the question. What kind of important inquiry was that? I shook my head.

"W...well, no, I don't think so," He suddenly stood up and clasped his hands together.

"Splendid! I think you will do nicely, yes yes, you will help in the kitchen and get a payroll of four shillings per two weeks as well as a place to sleep. My servants work in the house since it such a hassle to send people home and then inquire why they aren't here the next day. Sundays are half-days and you can go home then and Agatha, the woman arguing with Hampton, my personal manservant, will help you get set up. Agatha runs the kitchens and can be rather well...you can hear her. But she does make delicious custard and Saloop so I tolerate whatever argument she starts, usually because of the food but also because I enjoy arguing sometimes. Hampton makes me feel much younger than I am but he too does his job well and you do not dismiss people because they exasperate you but do their job well, at least I don't. Oh and one more thing," He paused and I looked at him expectantly. He smiled. "I am not mad, the look in your eye said you were waiting for me to jump on my chair and start making animal sounds. Good day," My mouth was open, how could he read people so well? It was almost scary. I shut my mouth nodded and left the room, faintly surprised I'd gotten the job. How in the name of God was that an interview? All he'd done was talk and make me smile. Mother just wouldn't believe it.

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