Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

     I don’t think I mentioned in my last update how fucking proud and teary I was when One Direction won Best Song of the Summer at the VMA’s. It wasn’t even that they won: it was the fact that they did their GROUP HUG and acted normal. Weyhey, they even sat together! It appears all the weirdness is gone!

      POOF! It’s magic, bby.         

      So I listened to ‘Summertime Sadness’ the entire time I wrote this.

      Zayn dragged me, by my throat, into the living room, and threw me harshly onto the wood floor. He pounced, his hand going right back to its strangle-hold on my neck. Dark spots popped in front of my eyes, and I desperately tried to get oxygen into my body. The boy on top of me was so angry, so unbelievably pissed, he very well might kill me.

      “You texted  him with my phone?” Zayn screeched in my ear.

      I opened my mouth, attempting to scream, but no words could come out. The edges of my vision were tinged with red. I knew my time was up. Zayn’s anger was going to end up being the death of me.

      I closed my eyes, and stopped trying to rip Zayn’s hands from my throat. He was too strong. There was no way I could overpower him, especially when I couldn’t breathe.

      I thought I was dead when I could no longer feel Zayn choking me. I smiled with my eyes still shut tight, glad that my death had been so abrupt. And then I head a suspicious sound. The impact of a fist against bone. A snap. And then a cry of pain.

      And that’s when I caught on.

      When I opened my eyes, Zayn was on the ground, eyes shut tightly. A small pool of blood dripped from his mouth, where I assumed he’d lost a tooth. Harry stood towering over him, his face beat red, and his fists still clenched tightly, the skin straining over bright blue veins. I’d never seen him look so furious, yet so terrified in the entire time I’d known him.

      I took a deep breath, choking and coughing, Harry flickered his gaze over to where I lay. His demeanor changed instantly, and he was suddenly kneeling beside me, a hand supporting my neck carefully. His eyes frantically searched mine, “Princess. Are you ok?”

      I couldn’t find enough air to form words, though it was slowly seeping back into my chest. I nodded instead. Harry took that as an ok to pull my hard against his chest. I heard him sigh in obvious relief, and felt pressure against my hair. His lips, maybe? I didn’t know how long we’d have to be close like this, so I closed my eyes and drank in every second of it.

      Something wet dropped onto my head, and I flinched. When I heard Harry sucking in sharply, I realized that he was crying softly into the top of my head. I held him tighter in my weak arms. “Harry, you’re scaring me,” I whispered quietly. My voice was raspy, and I could still almost feel Zayn’s hands on my neck.

      I heard Harry trying to control his breathing and voice, so it would sound like he wasn’t crying. “You’re ok, Kels. It’s all ok. I’ve got you.”

      “Where are the others?” I glanced at Zayn’s crumpled body, wondering if he was breathing.

      “They ran when I pulled Zayn off of you. Good thing, too, because I was prepared to murder them all for touching you.”

      I hesitated for only a moment, and then let my lips press a quick kiss to Harry’s shoulder blade. I let my cheek rest there. “You saved my life.”

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