Unknown number pt. 2

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Amy : " do you like me??"

I panicked when I saw the text. I mean, I just met her, but she can make my heart stop when I see her, and now she's asking me if I like her.

Me : " I don't know.."

Amy : " same here. I don't know too."

Me : " well just let time tell then."

Amy : " Yeah Kay."

Just then, my bus had arrived at my house. I entered my house as we continued texting.

Amy : " I used to like Sammy..."

Me : " That guy from 6B??"

Amy : " Yeah...."

Me : " Oh.."

Me : " I gotta go, chat later?"

Amy : " Yeah sure. Baii :)"

Me : " Bye :)"

*at night, after my tution*

I was sitting in my study room listen to Taylor Swift songs on my iPod while doing my homework. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

* Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago, I was in your sights, you got m-*

I answered the call, then on the other end, I heard a sweet and familiar voice greet me.

"Hi !" Amy said to me.

" Oh hi !" I said, trying to control my excitement.

" What's up??" She asked cheerfully.

" Oh nothing much," I replied.

" Did you ever confess to her??" Amy asked.

" In a way," I replied.

" What do you mean??" she asked curiously.

" A rumour leaked out," I replied. " Someone I trusted told her."

"Who?" she asked.

"That idiot Brandon told her. And everyone else," I told her.

" Oh," Amy replied. " Do you and Lily still talk??"

" Not really," I said.

"Oh," she said. " Do you like anyone in Wesley??"

" Maybe, not yet I guess," I lied.

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