First Date

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Bumblebee sat with the kids on the couch as they played video games. He looked up when he saw Arcee walk into the room. He smiled slightly and thought about their kiss.

"You know Bee..." He jumped and looked up at Smokescreen who was sitting on the other arm of the couch. "If you like Arcee that much, why not talk to her?" He smirked.

"Bee already did that. What he needs to do is take her on a date." Miko said as she moved the game controller around.

"What's" Smokescreen asked and Bee looked at her questioningly. The girl stared at them and smiled mischievously.

"A date is when two people that love each other go and do things together. Normally it costs a lot of money." She said smiling.

"Not always." Jack said.

"Well if you want it to be good it does." She replied as she glared at him. "So take her somewhere super amazing and awesome!" She said smiling at the scout.

"You can have a simple date and it would mean even more." Jack said.

"Boring!" Miko retorted. "Go to an exotic location, or a fancy restaurant, or ooh!" Her eyes grew wide. "A concert!" She said.

"I think that's what you want to do." Jack said, and they glared at each other.

"Wait....doesn't he have to see if she even wants to go?" Smokescreen asked. The two kids looked at each other then nodded.

" you have an idea Bee?" Raf asked. The scout smiled nervously and nodded. Miko stood up and walked over to him.

"Then go get her!" She said grabbing his sleeve and pulling him up.

She pushed him towards the stairs, and he looked back over his shoulder at them. They smiled encouragingly and motioned for him to go ahead. He took a deep breath and walked down the stairs to Arcee. She looked up as he approached and smiled. He stopped in front of her and smiled nervously.

"What?" She asked. He scratched the back of his head and looked at the floor. "Bee I have other things to do than watch you squirm." She said. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

*Do you want to go....* he stopped unsure how to ask. *...on a date.* he signed slowly. She raised an eyebrow and stared at him.

"Sure." She shrugged.

His eyes grew wide, then he jumped in the air and cheered silently. She looked at him in surprise and watched as he ran to the computer. He punched in some coordinates and ran down to the bridge. The scout pulled down the lever and ran to the portal. He grabbed her hand without stopping and they went through.

"This might not end well...." Smokescreen mumbled as he watched them disappear.


When Bumblebee stopped running they appeared in a clearing. Arcee looked around eyes wide. They were in a green forest with different colored flowers. She heard different animals call to each other, and saw all colors of birds flying around.

"Where are we?" She asked in amazement.

*The rainforest.* he signed happily. He took her hand and they wandered around for awhile. He took a pink flower and put it in her hair. She smiled up at him.

*You look so beautiful.* he smiled at her and she blushed. They walked a little more until they came to a waterfall. He pointed up at it and smiled big.

"It's so amazing." She said staring in awe. Bumblebee took off his jacket, shoes and socks, and started to climb to the top. He motioned for her to come.

"Okay...I'm not so sure about that." She said hesitantly. He shrugged and got to the top. "No really I don't know if-" he jumped off and dove into the deep pool below. " can swim." She finished smiling slightly.

Arcee waited for a minute and watched as he surfaced. He hugged himself tightly and pretended to shiver. She couldn't help but laugh. He swam to the side and motioned for her to come in. She noticed something on his neck and furrowed her brow. He looked at her questioningly and she turned his head to see a black worm. She went to pull it off but it was stuck, she managed to get it off and looked at it.

"Okay out of the water." She said. He frowned and got out. He plopped on a boulder to get his shoes on and she saw another black worm peaking out of his shirt.

"I think they're called leeches." She said pulling it off. He sighed heavily and took off his shirt. Arcee bit her lip to keep from laughing, he had about five or more on his back.

"Hold on." She said and laughed a little. The scout looked down and pulled a leech off of his skin. He looked at it in disgust and threw it into the water.


A little later as they walked through the forest it started to rain. Arcee shrieked excitedly and they ran through the rain.

After a few minutes Bee picked a giant leaf and used it as an umbrella. He held out his arm and smirked, she laughed and took it. As they walked the leaf collected water and dumped it on their heads. Arcee laughed as he shook his head and got her a little more wet.

A little later it stopped and she held her hand out from under the leaf. He pretended to fold it and put it down. They took a few more steps when the ground gave way and they slid down a hill. Arcee screamed but it quickly changed to laughter as they slid down the muddy hill. Bumblebees eyes grew wide and he wondered if this was how dates were supposed to go.

They slid down the hill into a giant mud puddle. Bumblebee sat up eyes wide, and helped Arcee sit up. He was surprised that she was laughing. They were covered from head to toe in mud, and she was happy? Bumblebee wiped the mud off his face with little success and smiled slightly. She looked at him and ruffled his hair which made it stand up on ends. She laughed again. He picked a flower and put it in her hair, she smiled up at him.

"Thanks Bee." She said and kissed him on the cheek. "This was fun." The scout smiled this didn't feel like it had been a success. But if she was happy, so was he. Bumblebee leaned in and kissed her gently. Maybe first dates weren't supposed to go as planned.

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