Chapter 15

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Wheeljack glared at the man and gripped the ice pick. The mountain man pressed harder against his back.

"You're coming with me." He growled as he pushed on him to follow. The wrecker whipped around and the man stepped back slightly startled by the quick movement.

"I'm not going anywhere, until I save the Kid!" Wheeljack yelled as he pointed. The man looked out and saw Smokescreen struggling against the cold.

"You can't just walk out there, you'll get stuck." The man grumbled. "Hand me your rope and ice pick." He said pointing the gun to the ground, and holding out his hand. Wheeljack glared and shoved the objects against his chest. The man took a step back and growled as he pointed the gun at him.

"Don't test me." He growled angrily.

The wrecker took a step back and put his hands up defensively as he smirked. The mountain man put his gun in a holster on his back. He took one end of the rope and tied it to the pick. He spun the rope over his head in a circle. Wheeljack ducked as it almost hit him. The mountain man let go and watched as the rope flew towards Smokescreen. The pick landed and stuck into the ice just next to his arm. The wrecker cheered and grabbed the other end of the rope. He ran back and tied it to the snowmobile.

"Hold on Kid I'm coming out to get ya!" He called. He started back out on to the ice and the mountain man clotheslined him with his gun. The wrecker grunted as he landed flat on his back. He moved to get up but stopped when the other man pressed the gun barrel against his chest.

"You organic maniac!!" Wheeljack yelled angrily as the man pinned him down.

"Your friend got himself into danger, he can get himself out." The gunman growled.

"He could die out there!" Wheeljack shouted as he gestured to the lake.

"Then he'll learn his lesson for being an idiot." The man sneered. The wrecker growled angrily as he glared at the man.

Smokescreen continued to shiver as his body started to freeze to the ice. He jumped slightly when the pick landed next to him. The speedster looked up as he heard his teammate yell that he was coming. His eyes widened as the other man knocked the wrecker over.

"No...." He shivered weakly.

He reached out and grabbed the rope, his movements were slower than he liked. He grunted as he tried to pull himself out. He heard the wrecker and the other man arguing with each other, but he didn't know what was said. He used all his strength to pull himself out of the freezing water. He laid on the ice and shivered. He felt the ice cracking again. He groaned and grabbed the pick as he lay there. He wiggled it free from the ice and took the rope off. After some effort he managed to tie the rope around his waist. He stuck the pick in the ice, but couldn't pull himself. The ice cracked again and it felt like his body was shutting down.

"Help...." Smokescreen called weakly as he looked towards the other men. He started shivering again.

"Wheeljack.... Help....." He called weakly. He wondered if they could hear him. He rested his head on the ice and shivered as it cracked again.

The wrecker looked out to the lake and saw the speedster pull himself out. He sighed with relief, but it was short lived when he heard the ice cracking under the young mans weight. He glared back at the gun man.

"Don't move." The man said as he pressed harder with his gun.

"He's going to die out there!" Wheeljack growled.

The mountain man looked out to the lake. The wrecker kicked against the other man's chest with both feet. The gunman landed hard on his back and groaned slightly. Wheeljack ran to the rope. He sat on the ground to better anchor himself and started pulling with all his might.

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