Chapter 9

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Bumblebee and Arcee drove along the coast line as they followed the signal. The scout smiled as the car sped along the curvy roads. He loved the feel of every turn and accelerated as they continued down the coast. Arcee enjoyed the ride and gazed out into the ocean.

"It's so beautiful here." She said as she smiled at the water. She looked over at Bumblebee who smiled big. He motioned that they should hang around after.

"Maybe. It depends on what we encounter." She said smiling.

They followed the signal for an hour, and it took them to a remote location. They parked the car at the base of a hill, and started to climb. As they got closer to the signal, the hill flattened out and went towards a cliff face. Bumblebee was just ahead of Arcee and he stopped as they came to the cliff. She saw a cave just ahead and moved to go to it, the scout put his arm out to stop her.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she looked at him. Bee put a finger to his lips then touched his ear. She listened for a few minutes but didn't hear anything.

"I don't hear anything." She whispered.

He nodded once as he glared and touched his nose. She felt a chill run down her spine as they cautiously approached. Bumblebee pulled out his gun and quietly cocked it as he entered the cave. Arcee pulled hers out as she followed. They moved through the dark to avoid being seen by anyone that might be inside. Something flashed in the dark and they stopped.

Bee narrowed his eyes as he saw another flash. He cautiously moved forward and saw a shape wedged into the cave wall. He put his gun away and pulled out his flashlight. He scanned the surrounding area and realized they we're at a dead end. The scout looked at Arcee and narrowed his eyes. He shined the light on the device and looked at it for a moment. He heard a beep as a green light turned on.

Bumblebees eyes widened, he grabbed Arcees hand and ran towards the entrance of the cave. She was about to ask what was wrong when she heard a beep echo through the cave. There was a loud boom and a rush of air. Bumblebee gripped her hand and ran faster. Arcee looked back and saw a wave of fire coming towards them. Once he got to the mouth of the cave he pulled her to the side and tackled her to the ground.

Bee used his body to shield her as the fire ball burst out of the cave. When the fire dispersed, he got up and looked around. Arcee sat up and patted a flame out of the scouts jacket.

"They set us up." Arcee said as she glared at the cave.

They jumped up and ran as fast as they could down the hill. Bumblebee slid down the hill and ran back to the car. Arcee jumped in and tried to call the base as Bee sped back down the road. He moved quickly as she tried to get ahold of Rachet.

"Scrap! Why won't it go through?" She yelled as it failed again.

They heard tires screeching and they saw a black van peel out behind them. It quickly caught up and rammed into the cars side. Their car spun a couple of times before Bee righted it and sped off. The van followed close behind.

"Scrap!" Arcee yelled as the van hit them again. "We need to get out of here Bee!" She yelled. He rolled his eyes in response. She glared at him and tried to call the base again.

They still couldn't get through. The van rammed into their car and pushed them hard. Arcee screamed as the car spun and broke the guard rail. The two front tires left the road and hung in the air. The black van screeched as it drove away.

Bumblebee didn't move as the car tilted, he panted heavily as he quickly thought up a plan. Arcee peeked over the hood and unintentionally leaned forward. The car groaned as it tilted towards the ocean below. The scouts arm shot out and he pressed her against the seat. He slowly turned his head to face her.

'Don't move.' He mouthed. He slowly shifted the car into reverse and they leaned back as he carefully hit the gas.

They heard tires screeching and he looked into the rear view mirror to see the black van speeding towards them. His eyes widened as the van approached.

It rammed into their back and the car lurched forward. The van backed up as Bumblebee tried to drive in reverse again. The vans tires squealed as it shifted gear and rammed them again. Their car lurched forward and groaned as it fell over the cliff.

Arcee screamed and gripped the scouts hand as she squeezed her eyes shut. Bumblebees eyes grew wide as the ocean approached and he felt the sickening feeling of dropping. He gripped her hand tightly and squeezed his eyes shut as he braced himself for the impact. Their car hit the water and started to sink. The water started to seep into the car and drag them under. Acree and Bumblebee looked at each other eyes wide.

"Scrap!" Arcee yelled as she looked at the water.

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