Chapter 4

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Had a spot of inspiration. Hence the two chapters in one day. :)

Next day...

Raf sat on the wall as he waited for the Autobots to come pick him up. They had decided that it would save gas to pick up all of them at the same time. The little boy opened up his laptop and pushed his glasses up as he looked up somethings for his homework. As he sat there, someone walked over and knocked his laptop out of his hand.

"Hey!" He said as he jumped down to get it. The older boy just laughed as he walked away. He sighed and looked at his shoes.

"You shouldn't let the kids push you around like that." Someone said. He turned around and saw Jinx smiling at him. She handed him the laptop.

"Thanks..." He muttered as he took it and looked it over.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's not broken." She said still smiling. He smiled back and sat on the wall. The girl sat next to him and stared off into the distance.

"So...are you waiting for Miko?" He asked. She looked at him and smiled again.

"Ya, I got out early." She smirked.

"Really?" He asked curiously. She laughed.

"I may be a punk, but I'm still a grade A student." She smirked. He smiled again and she leaned in closer. "I'm also a pianist, but that's just for fun." He looked up eyes wide, and she laughed happily as Jack walked up.

" look awful." She said as she looked at him. The boy yawned as he approached.

"Didn't sleep well last night..." He mumbled, the other two looked at him curiously. " had a nightmare.... Uh.....about someone I mad at me and throwing tons of wrenches at my head...." He trailed off, Rafs eyes grew wide. The girl snorted as she tried to hold back her laughter.

"What's so scary about wrenches?" She asked as she laughed hard. The two boys looked at each other and she laughed again.

"Oh you two are so funny." She said and waved as Miko came over.

"Will you be okay today?" Raf asked quietly. The other boy nodded as he yawned again.

"Hey guys what's up?" Miko asked.

"Oh nothing much. Jack was just telling us something funny." Jinx said giggling a little.

"Oh...what's that?" Miko asked smiling mischievously. Before he could answer a white muscle car pulled up and screeched to a halt. Jack sighed with relief as Smokescreen jumped out.

"Hey kids waz up?" He asked as he leaned against the car. Jinx blushed as she saw him.

"Dang, he's cute." She whispered to Miko who giggled.

"Hey I heard that." He said smirking, she blushed again and he chuckled.

"So are you three in a program of some sort? Like 'Big Brothers Big Sisters' kind of thing?" Jinx asked as she smiled. Smokescreen looked at them with confusion.

"Uh....ya kind of." Miko said as they walked to the car.

"That's so cool!" She said jumping into the air. "How do I get signed up?" She asked with excitement. Smokescreen chuckled softly as the kids got into the car.

"Um....I don't know....but I'll let you know when we find out." Smokescreen said he waved goodbye and got into the car.

A few minutes later they drove away and Jinx could hardly contain her excitement. She had always wanted an older sibling, being an only child. The girl frowned as she realized she would need to talk to her uncle about it first. She huffed and folded her arms as she walked home. She kicked a few rocks with frustration and sighed heavily when she got home and found it empty.


Raf sat on the couch and pulled out his laptop. Smokescreen and Miko were talking to Optimus about Jinx, while Jack passed out on the couch. The little boy looked his computer over and frowned. He was worried it wouldn't work, and plugged it into the wall. It flickered a little and came on. After scanning it he smiled and relaxed a little.

As he started on his homework he heard Rachet grumble and bang his fist on the console. Jack jumped from his sleep and looked around wildly before laying down again.

"What's wrong Rachet?" The little boy asked as he got up.

"Oh nothing it just froze for a minute..." He grumbled angrily and hit it again. Raf walked over to the doctor and watched him for a moment.

" everything okay? You've haven't been yourself lately." The boy asked. The doctor looked down at him, if it had been anyone else that had asked he would've thrown a wrench at them.

"No....not really...." He admitted, he sighed heavily and gripped the desk as he swayed a little.

The boy looked down at the doctor's injured leg and then at the cane that was hanging on the rail behind him. Rachet still didn't like the thing and would do everything he could to avoid using it.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Raf asked as he looked up at the man with concern. The doctor turned his head and looked at him for a moment. He smiled slightly and ruffled the boys hair.

"No...I'm afraid not little one." Rachet said gently. The boy smiled up at him and gave him a hug around the waist. The doctors eyes widened in surprise.

"I can at least do this." He said smiling up at him again. The doctor hugged him with one arm and smiled softly.

"Thank you Raphael..." He whispered. The boy let go and he grinned up at the older man.

Raf walked back up to the couch and sat down. Jack had watched the whole encounter and was sitting next to the boy. The teen stared at the floor. Raf looked up at Jack and smiled big. The older boy looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I think Rachet would make a great dad." Raf said still smiling. Jack's eyes widened and the boys smile grew bigger.

"Why would you say that?" He asked.

"Oh please Jack," Miko said as she sat next to them, the two boys jumped. "Everyone knew about your mom and Rachets relationship. You seem to be the only one who didn't." She said smirking.

Jack looked over at the doctor for a minute, then stared at the floor. He thought about what they had said, and thought about everything that had happened. A smile crept up his face and he looked at the others.

"Miko, Raf, do you think you can help me with something." He said smiling big.

"Oh ya." Miko said smiling mischievously, Raf looked at both of them and he slowly smiled as he listened to Jack's plan.

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