Chapter 17

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The sound of dripping water filled the cave. A light breeze whistled through the tunnels and out again. Bumblebee shivered slightly as the cold air washed over him. The young man slowly opened his eyes, and he realized he was laying on his stomach. He looked around the cave as he slowly remembered what happened. The scout shook a little as he pushed himself up to a sitting position. He rubbed the back of his head and looked around again.

Bumblebee jumped slightly as two arms suddenly wrapped around him.

"It's okay Bee it's just me." Arcee said as she hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. "I was so worried about you." She muttered.

She let go after a moment and sat next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he put an arm around her. They sat there for a moment and listened to the dripping water.

"Bee." Arcee said quietly. He looked at her and noticed she was staring into space. "What happened to your shoes?" She asked.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at his feet. Both his shoes and his socks were missing. He wiggled his toes and shrugged, making the woman laugh lightly. He looked off the ledge and noticed the water was gone. He looked back at Arcee who scrunched up her face as she looked.

"High tide no doubt." She muttered. "It'll be easier to get out of here now." She said. Bumblebee smiled at her and moved to jump off the ledge. Arcee grabbed his hand and looked at the cut. He tried to pull away, but she held firm. She looked at the cut and glanced at the scouts face.

"Bee... Was this from when you cut the seat belt?" She asked. He shrugged and stared at the ground as she looked back down at his hand. Arcee traced the cut with her finger as she thought. The cave was silent for a few minutes.

"Why?" She whispered. He looked back up at her as she stared at his hand. "Why do you risk your life?" She let go as he ripped part of his shirt and started wrapping his hand. Arcee grabbed his hand and quietly cleaned it before rewrapping it. He watched her as she worked, and waited as she sat there quietly.

"You never answered my question." She said feeling a little irritated as she looked into his eyes. She couldn't read his expression. Arcee figured he had forgotten what she had asked.

"Bee, why?" She asked again. "Why do-" he kissed her and she lost her train of thought.

He pulled away a minute later and looked at her. She searched his face but couldn't read it. The scout slid off the ledge and carefully climbed to the bottom. Arcee sat there for a moment as she watched. A smile crept up her face as she thought about what had just happened. She climbed down from the ledge, and followed him to the tunnel they had swam through earlier.

Bumblebee looked into the tunnel and scrunched his face in concentration. He looked over his shoulder at Arcee and helped her up. He crawled into the tunnel and she followed close behind. After awhile he stopped as the tunnel opened up and dropped into the ocean. He sat at the opening and dangled his feet over the water. Arcee set her chin on his shoulder and looked into the open water.

"Looks like we're swimming again." She sighed.

He looked at her and smiled big. She watched as he pushed himself off the ledge and cannon balled into the water. She rolled her eyes and dived in after him. They swam to the edge of the rock face and the scout held his arm out. He peered up towards the road but didn't see the van. He looked back at Arcee and motioned for her to follow. They saw a fishing boat sailing towards them.

"Are ya lost?" The fisherman called. The two hesitated unsure if they should trust him. "Don't worry I won't bite." He chuckled as he stopped the boat near them.

"Can you get us to shore?" Arcee asked. The man nodded and the other two looked at each other for a moment. Bee shrugged and swam to the boat.

A little later the man dropped them off at the shore and sailed away. Bumblebee and Arcee walked down the road to the nearest town. They didn't really know where to go or what to do. They were dripping wet and exhausted from the swim. They heard a car slowly approach and a short blare of a siren. The two turned and saw a cop car, they stopped.

"Law enforcement....." Arcee said as she rolled her eyes and looked at the scout. He shrugged and watched as an older man walked out of the car and approached. His partner who was wearing sunglasses followed. When they got closer Bumblebee read their badges, Chief Burns and Chase.

"You two mind telling me what you're doing?" Chief Burns asked. Arcee looked at Bumblebee who shrugged.


Bulkhead slowly opened his eyes and stared at the trees above him. He heard the rushing water a few feet away. The wrecker groaned and rubbed his head as he sat up. Looking around he saw Optimus laying on his back further away.

"Oh no...." he muttered as he got up and staggered over to the leader. "Optimus?" He asked as he shook his shoulder. The Prime groaned and opened his eyes. Bulkhead helped him sit up. The leader looked around and narrowed his eyes.

"We need to get back to the base." He said as he stumbled to his feet.

Bulkhead helped him up and they started hiking until they found a road. The started walking down the road to what they hoped was civilization. A car passed them and parked across the road blocking them from moving forward. Another car parked behind them and men with guns jumped out.

"Oh come on." Bulkhead growled. Optimus glared and clenched his fists. One man jumped out and stood behind the others.

"We received a new set of orders, and would appreciate it if you come quietly." The man said simply.

"Ain't going to happen."Bulkhead growled as he clenched his fists.

"Thought you might say that." The man mumbled and he signaled one of his men. A gun shot rang through the forest and echoed off the rocks of the mountain.

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