Chapter 11

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Wheeljack looked back at the car, his mind raced as different possibilities ran through his head. He jumped up and walked past the burning vehicle and back up the slope.

"Where are you going?" Smokescreen asked as he followed. The wrecker didn't answer as he made his way up the hill and through the trees. They stopped at the top and looked at the buildings below.

"We need to get in there, and see if there is anything we can use to get off this mountain." Wheeljack said as he pointed at the area.

"How do we get past the fence?" Smokescreen asked.

The wrecker smirked and walked down to the fence, with his partner close behind. They stood a few feet away from the metal wall. After a few minutes Wheeljack stepped forward and grabbed the fence. The fence shook violently and the wrecker yelled. Smokescreen grabbed his head and his eyes grew wide.

"What do I do?!" He yelled. The fence kept shaking as the wrecker held on.

"AAAAHHH!!! AAH HA HA!!!" Wheeljack started laughing hysterically and let go of the fence.

"WHEELJACK!!" Smokescreen yelled angrily and punched the man in the arm.

"Ha ha! Relax rookie." He said as he touched the fence again. "One way to tell if it still works, is if you can hear a slight hum from the electricity." He smirked and started to climb the fence. Smokescreen growled in annoyance and climbed after him.

They walked to the first building that looked like a hangar. Wheeljack opened the side door and looked in. There were a few abandoned snowmobiles, but they couldn't find any keys. They decided to search the other buildings for supplies before they tried to hijack a vehicle. As they searched they found only a few useful things, everything else was broken or damaged in another way. After they gathered what they could, they went back to the hangar.

"Try and find some fuel while I try to hotwire this thing." Wheeljack said as he opened the panel.

" you know what your doing?" Smokescreen asked, the wrecker glared at him. "Okay okay! Look I'm going." He said as he walked off. The wrecker rolled his eyes and shook his head.

He pulled two wires out and scrunched up his face as he thought about how to hotwire the vehicle. He pulled a few more and narrowed his eyes. He wasn't sure which was the right wires to cross. He shrugged and tried two. He jumped as electricity briefly flowed through him.

"Ow." He muttered as he let go of the wires. "Okay this isn't as easy as they make it." He grunted as he picked them up again. He crossed some other wires and the engine sparked.

"Ah ha!" He said as he put them together again. It sparked again and the engine sputtered. "Come on you useless...." It sparked again and blew up. He glared as black smoke rose from the engine.

"Decepticon scum." He growled angrily at the vehicle as he kicked it.

"Hey look what I found!" Smokescreen called as he came back into the room. He smiled big as he carried a few gas tanks.

"That's great." Wheeljack grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "We don't have a use for it until we can get these started." He said as he gestured to the smoking vehicle.

"Well good thing I found these!" The young man said as he held up some keys. Wheeljack smirked and grabbed a pair. He walked over to a snowmobile and put the key into the ignition. He turned it and the vehicle choked a little.

"Ah, come on." He said as he tried again. It choked again before the engine came to life. "That a girl." He said as he smiled. He checked the gage and put some fuel into it.

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