Chapter 26

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They suddenly heard some men yelling followed by gun fire. Silas and his men ran for cover as people shot at them. The two gun men looked around in confusion. Wheeljack grabbed the mans hands and flipped him over him head. The other man aimed his gun at him, and Smokescreen swept his feet out from under him. They both punched the gun men and knocked them out. They quickly searched the villains and found the keys for the cuffs.

Wheeljack looked around as he threw the cuffs off, Smokescreen was currently working on his. The wrecker heard a whistling noise and he looked up eyes wide. He stumbled to his feet and grabbed the speedster by the back of the shirt. They ducked between two trucks as the ground exploded were they had been sitting.

"We have to get out of here." The wrecker said as he looked around.

"No! We have to find Optimus first." Smokescreen said as he looked into the back of the truck. The other man nodded once and they started searching the trucks while avoiding bullets.

"Who's attacking them?" Smokescreen asked as he ducked again and hid by a truck. Wheeljack looked at him and smirked. He then glanced into the truck and smiled.

"Hey Doc!" He said. Rachet looked up at him eyes widening. Optimus smiled a little as he leaned against the wall.

"What's going on?" Rachet asked as more gun fire filled the air.

"That would be our reinforcements." The wrecker said as Smokescreen climbed in and started helping Optimus out.

"You contacted Agent Fowler." The Prime said. The wrecker smirked again as he helped him out.

"I figured we needed back up." He said. They heard the firing stop and they froze for a moment.

"We need to save the others." Smokescreen muttered as Rachet carefully got out and swayed a little.

Wheeljack put the Primes arm around his shoulders and the leader walked slowly as the man supported him. Smokescreen did the same for Rachet and they headed back to the base.

"You boys need help?" The wrecker and speedster turned to see Agent Fowler and some of his men walking towards them. The two men smiled at each other.


Bumblebee counted the men again and looked at the two women sitting next to him. He had his hands tied behind him and the two women each had one hand cuffed to a pipe against the wall. The young pilot was still unconscious next to the nurse.

The man in charge had received a phone call and now they had guns pointed to their heads. A girl with purple hair spoke to the man quietly in the far corner. The scout heard a commotion in the tunnel and the men started yelling. He watched as the purple haired girl ran out of the room yelling angrily. The men with guns next to them looked around in confusion.

"Shoot the prisoners!" The second in command yelled as he ran down the tunnel.

Bumblebee put himself between the guns and the others. He glared at the men and ignored Arcee as she yelled at him. The men shouted at him to move and pressed the barrels against his chest. Arcee grabbed his shoulder with her free hand and tried to pull him back. He held firm and continued to glare at the men. He was telling them he wasn't afraid, and that intimidated them.

The gun men turned as army men came in and yelled at them to get on the ground. The villains didn't see their leader or anyone else and dropped their guns. The army took the men away, as some others set the team free and helped them up. The men ran down the hall to search the place. Agent Fowler walked in followed by the rest of the team.

"Glad to see you're all alright." He said as they walked over.

"Most of us anyway." Arcee said as she glanced at Blades. Wheeljack carefully helped Optimus sit on a berth and the leader laid down. He could finally rest.

"Who's that?" The wrecker asked as he looked at the young pilot.

"That's Blades." She said as the wrecker walked over. She quietly told him about Bulkhead and the wrecker ran off to find his friend.

June ran over and hugged Rachet tightly. He stumbled a little and Smokescreen let go as the doctor hugged the woman. She held on to him and buried her head in his jacket. He kissed the top of her head as he squeezed his eyes shut.


The army had left a little bit ago with the rest of the MECH team. Agent Fowler informed them that Silas had somehow disappeared.

The team sat at the base as the kids came in. They hugged their guardians tightly and spoke excitedly with them. Optimus was sitting up again as the doctor and nurse fixed him up. The kids asked about Blades and Arcee explained who he was. A moment later all eyes fell on the pilot as he groaned.

" head." He muttered as he sat up eyes still closed. He heard someone walk over. "Dani I had the weirdest dream. I was helping Optimus and team Prime when....." he trailed off as he opened his eyes and saw the nurse and children gathered around. ".......I got shot..." he looked at the unfamiliar faces.

"Who's Dani?" Miko asked as she smirked. He was kind of cute in her mind.

"It wasn't a dream...." Blades muttered as he looked at the bandage on his side. His eyes widened as Arcee and Bumblebee came into view.

"Glad to know you're alive." The woman said. The pilot squeaked a little as he looked at them.

"Oh....My... Goodness..." he said as Bumblebee set a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"I can't believe this!" He said excitedly. June got a little worried and asked them to give him space. They stepped back a little as Optimus walked over and shook the young mans hand.

"Good to see you again Blades." The leader smiled a little. The pilot squeaked again and his eyes were huge.

" know him?" Agent Fowler asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"There is no need for concern Agent Fowler. Blades is part of a special team under Chief Burns." Optimus said. The Agent nodded.

"We should call Chief Burns to come pick him up." Rachet mumbled as he limped over. "He shouldn't fly his helicopter back." He said.

"Agreed. Agent Fowler?" Optimus said. The man nodded and walked away to call the Chief.

The Prime smiled again and gripped the young pilots shoulder before walking off. Blades acted like he was going to faint and June caught him as he swayed. He straightened back up and grinned from ear to ear.

"Wait till the guys hear about this." He said excitedly. Bumblebee smiled and playfully punched him in the shoulder. Which caused him to make a funny noise.

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