Chapter 27

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Two days later....

Blades was having the time of his life as he hung out with the team. Bumblebee taught him some sign language and showed him some moves for basic fighting. The kids enjoyed having him around and played video games with him. The pilot would hang around all the members of the team, except Rachet. He got annoyed with the young man when he asked him tons of questions about his project.

The young pilot cheered happily as he beat Miko again on a game. He looked up as he heard an engine come up the tunnel. He watched as the car parked. Agent Fowler walked out followed by three other people. He grinned when he recognized them. He jumped up and ran down the stairs.

"DANI!!" Blades yelled as he hugged the young woman.

She blushed and looked at the others as they gathered. A man dressed in a green construction outfit smiled at the pilot then shook Bumblebees hand. The scout grinned at him.

"Hope he wasn't too much trouble." A man wearing a red firefighter outfit mumbled. He shook the Primes hand.

"Depends on who you ask." Rachet grumbled as he typed on the computer.

"You must be Heatwave." Smokescreen said as he shook the firefighters hand.

"'d you know? I don't think I've met you." The man responded.

"Optimus told us about you and your team." The speedster said as he smiled. Arcee shook the other mans hand and introduced herself.

"I'm Boulder." He said as he smiled. "You already know Blades and that's Dani." He smiled.

"Optimus talked about us?" Blades squeaked happily as he let Dani go.

"Thanks for letting him bring us back to help our team." Arcee said as she addressed his friends.

*Sorry we got him injured.* Bumblebee signed as he smiled nervously. Arcee quickly translated.

"He was a good fighter." June added as the pilots team looked at him.

"Blades? A fighter?" Heatwave said as he looked at the younger man.

"Fear is a great motivator." Blades said in a matter of fact tone. He smiled at Dani and hugged her again.

"Well we better head back before Chief Burns gets worried." Boulder said.

"Aaaw man!" Blades and the kids said together. Heatwave rolled his eyes.

" we're you guys Autobots before?" Miko asked as she looked at the new comers.

"Boulder, Heatwave and I yes." Blades said as he put an arm around each of the men's necks. Heatwave growled in annoyance. "But Dani's always been a person.....human..." he said.

"Hold on....are you telling me that the Decepticons turned ALL of your kind human?" Agent Fowler asked.

"As far as we know." Arcee said. The man thought about it for a moment.

"All the more reason why I need to finish this." Rachet grumbled in annoyance. "So if you don't mind I would like some peace and quiet for once!" He snapped. The room was quiet for a moment as they looked at each other.

"We'll keep in touch." Heatwave said as he shook the Primes hand.

"Contact us if you ever require assistance." Optimus said and the other man nodded once.

"I'll keep in contact with Chief Burns in case we need your help." Agent Fowler said as Heatwave shook his hand. Blades ended up hugging everyone, except Optimus and Rachet. The others said their goodbyes and they watched the team leave.


A month later.

Bulkhead was up and about feeling tons better. Miko and Wheeljack spent most of their time hanging out with their friend. June would be near Rachet helping him with his research, which still bothered Jack. Smokescreen and Bumblebee mostly raced with Raf, while Arcee and Jack did whatever. Optimus was trying to figure out where the best place would be for them to properly turn back into Cybertronians, when the doctor figured out the cure. He felt they didn't have everything they needed to do it properly at the base.

Rachet sighed in frustration, he was back where it started. Trying to figure out the solution to help his team. He glared at the screen and clenched his fists. He knew he was close and probably over thinking it. He smacked the console in frustration and grumbled angrily. What was he missing?

"Rachet?" He looked to his side as someone touched his shoulder. June looked at him with concern.

"I'm busy...." he mumbled not really wanting her to leave, but knew he needed to get this done.

"You're really tense." She said as she set a hand on his fist.

"I can't focus...." he admitted as he looked into her eyes. "I can't let my team down..... again." He muttered. They stood there for a moment in silence.

"You need to relax, it will help you think clearly." She said trying to help. He gave her a look and furrowed his brow.

"How am I supposed to relax?" He snapped. "I haven't slept in a few days and every little noise gets on my nerves." He said angrily as he faced her. "Not to mention I-"

His eyes widened as June grabbed his shoulders, turned him around and kissed him. The doctor stood there for a moment unsure if he should push away or not. After a moment he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. After a minute passed, June let go and looked up at the doctor.

"Feel better?" She asked a smile starting to form. He furrowed his brow in confusion and thought for a moment.

"Surprising.....yes." he muttered as he realized his mind had cleared.

"Good." She said as she playfully slapped his arm. "Now let's get to work." She smiled at him. The doctor smiled back and turned his attention to the task at hand.

Jack had watched the whole thing, again. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists. He didn't know why they liked each other so much, but it bothered him. The teen walked off in a huff. He wanted to break them up. He almost wanted them to dislike the other. Jack stopped as he looked back at them. They really were happy. He hung his head and put his hands in his pocket.

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