Chapter 2: A small problem always gets bigger

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Chapter 2: A small problem always gets bigger

I stood in the room full of starship captains and their first officers, the only person that was neither. They had taken the Enterprise off Jim when he let those aliens see it and Admiral Pike had gotten it back. In the six weeks between then and now, a terrorist named John Harrison had blown up a Starfleet archive. This was why we were here. Well, I was there because I am an anomaly analyst and since I'm apparently the only one, I get to deal with this crap. Yep, there was an anomaly of sorts.

People blathered on about it until Jim spoke up. Well, he whispered something to Admiral Pike and then Admiral Marcus made him say it to everyone. "Sir, why attack an archive? If he wanted to affect Starfleet, why not blow up something bigger? Unless...what if he knew all the Starfleet protocol mandates all Captain's would gather here in this room if something like this happened?" When he had finished, as if by magic a strange ship flew at the room we were in and I was the first to react.
"Move! Get out!" Jim and myself hit the floor, but everyone else ran as the ship started to shoot them dead. I looked at the ship to see it was Harrison himself. I curled myself up into a ball and tried to keep my stress levels down. I couldn't afford to have a death on my hands.

Another window exploded and I was showered with glass. I stood up, hunching and ran towards one of the pillars holding the ceiling up. I hid behind it and screamed in terror as Admiral Pike was shot. I lowered my eyes and hoped I would survive for Pavel's sake. That was when I noticed my blue Starfleet dress was spotted red and so were my legs. I looked closer to see I had tiny shards of glass sticking out of me and I sighed in relief. I suddenly realised Jim was gone and that was when the anomaly ship crashed. Jim had broken it. I grimaced as the bastard Harrison was beamed from the ship as it fell to the ground. Jim came back into the room and ran to me. "Are you okay Bella?!" I nodded, tears in my eyes and Jim picked me up. "Admiral Pike is dead." He said grimly. I made a sound in the back of my throat that sounded pained and Jim carried me to the MedBay where Pavel was waiting. He ran over to me and hugged me right as Bones got to taking the shards of glass out of my legs.
"I was so worried about you! I heard about the attack and I thought maybe you'd died!" I felt tears running down my face both from the pain of the antiseptic and from Pavel's worrying.

When they'd finished with my legs I was taken back home by Pavel, where I decided to tell him. "Pavel, there's something I've got to tell you." Pavel sat down next to me on the couch and nodded. "I'm...Pavel I'm pregnant. Three and a half months." He didn't react and I was crushed. "I'm so so sorry! Gosh I'm sorry. I-" Pavel cut me off.
"This is amazing! We are going to be having a baby! I am so happy!" I couldn't speak as he lifted me up and spun me around, setting me back down carefully. "I don't know why you were apologising, Bella this is wonderful." I smiled and nodded.
"It is, isn't it? We're going to be parents! I get to be a Mam!" Pavel laughed at my Irish word for Mum.
"I get to be a Papa!" I in turn laughed at his Russian word for Dad.
"Our child is going to have a Mam and a Papa. How confusing. It will have the cutest accent! I hope it gets your hair!" Pavel grinned at this.
"I hope it gets your eyes and your smile." We went to bed after hours of talking about being parents and as I fell asleep, I felt truly happy.

"Anyone home? Pavel? Bella? Get up!" I groaned and went to open the door to find Jim standing there.
"Ugh, come in while I vomit." Jim looked puzzled but my morning sickness had only started a few days ago and it was hell. I walked calmly to the bathroom as Pavel walked out in his 'pyjamas' (pants). I smiled at him, curled over the toilet and sicked up whatever I had. Somebody came in and held my hair and when I finished I saw it was Jim. "I have short hair, it wouldn't have gotten sicked on." Jim game me a worried look but I just smiled, not wanting anyone else to know. Bones knew because I made him give me a real pregnancy test (very awkward for him) and I'd told Pavel but I didn't want it to get out just in case they made me leave Starfleet.
"We're going after Harrison. He's on an uninhabited planet in Klingon space called Kronos - well, in English it's Kronos - as Bella knows, and I got the Enterprise back. That and permission to hunt him down. Pavel shot me a nervous glance, clearly worried about the baby but gave a reassuring smile.
"Lets go then!"

"My name is Carol Wallace and I'm cleared to be transferred by Admiral Marcus." I looked up to see a pretty young girl talking to Jim. She was wearing a blue dress, indicating her position as what I guessed was a Science officer.
"You're a Science officer?" I was right. Jim looked up from her file at her after saying this and smiled. Spock whispered something to him and his smile widened. "Take a seat, Miss Wallace. The more the merrier!"

The Enterprise looked better than ever. It was a great ship and I could fly it all by myself if I wanted to.

When we got onto the Enterprise, I went straight to the engine room to see what was happening. I gasped when I saw the rows of lethal-looking missiles. By my estimation there was at least seventy. "How many of these are there? What are they?" I said to Scotty as I walked up to him. There was a man trying to make him sign for them but he wasn't having it.
"There are 72 but I cannae sign for them if I don't know what's in them." I nodded my head in agreement and started walking to the bridge.
"Tell Jim. He won't let them on board!" I called back as Scotty tried to shoo the man away from him.

We got onto the bridge and I took my seat at the console closest to Pavel (yay!). He put his hand on my stomach and smiled warmly before walking to his console and beginning his work. I looked down at my miniscule baby bump and frowned. I had a feeling there would be trouble for the poor kid.

Jim walked onto the bridge and turned to Pavel. "Pavel, you've been shadowing Mister Scott, are you familiar with the engine room?" Pavel nodded, confused and Jim smiled grimly. "Go put on a red shirt and head down there. Scotty resigned." Pavel hesitated before nodding and getting up. He kissed me and before he left he whispered in my ear,
"You have to tell him." I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodded and looked at the ensign who took Pavel's seat. I'd tell the Captain later.

We went into warp and I sighed. Pavel was right. I should tell Jim now. But I kept quiet.

It didn't take all that long to suddenly jump out of warp. I was thrown into Jim and fortunately, he caught me. We had gotten to Klingon space and when Jim inquired to Pavel he said something happened to the warp core. By that time I was as nervous as hell. I had to tell Jim before he made me do something stupid. "Uhura, Spock, Bella, come with me onto that planet to hunt down Harrison." I stood up, eyes wide. That was stupid.
"Captain there's something I have to -" Jim interrupted me.
"No, Bella it isn't a question, it's an order. You can do a lot of amazing things. I need you down there with me." I frowned and nodded. I can't disobey an order without some serious shit going down.

I followed Nyota, Spock, Jim and some other crew members to the shuttle we would be flying in and felt something stirring inside of me that was either the baby or my lunch. I ignored it and bravely stepped onto the ship. Jim got on after me and I stood next to his chair in the control area (there were three; one for Nyota, one for Spock and one for Jim). "Jim there is something I have to tell you right now." I took a deep breath to tell him but he again interrupted me.
"Not now, Bella! Tell me later." I sighed and took my seat as we took off and headed for the planet.

The surface of the planet Kronos was barren wasteland covered in bits of old ship and metal. It had a breathable atmosphere and no life except Harrison. Or that was what we thought, until out of no where a Klingon Warbird appeared. They chased us, shooting for a while. Jim cursed and shook his head.
"Not on my watch." I strode over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"I have to tell you something now." But Jim wasn't listening. He accelerated the ship and flew in the opposite direction of the Klingons while Nyota and Spock argued about something. He headed towards a small gap in between two pieces of debris.
"Jim we're going to die!" I screamed, putting my hands on my head. I scrunched my hair up as the ship turned sideways. I would've fallen if someone hasn't caught me and I nearly had an aneurysm when I saw it was Spock, since we didn't really get along, but then he did something unforgivable and performed a mind-meld. The Klingons said something to us in Klingon (duh) and everyone turned to Nyota. "How's your Klingon?" Jim asked and Nyota nodded.
"It's rusty but it's good. They're telling us to land so they can inspect the ship." The shuttle was righted and Spock gasped, clearly seeing that I was pregnant from his meander through my mind. I slapped him across the face as the Klingon ship landed in front of us as we ourselves landed.
"Captain, let me talk to them." I looked at Nyota and smiled.
"Go on. You and your talented tongue." I said to her happily. Jim nodded, approving the idea and Nyota went out to meet the Klingons. She talked to them for a while in a fit of throat clearings and snorts, but they started to act threateningly. Suddenly, Harrison came out of no where, shooting. Jim handed me a phaser and ran out, shooting at the Klingons also. I sighed, following him.

We shot at the Klingons, confident in our abilities until their backups arrived. That was when Harrison basically took over. He moved like lightning and took out all of them. While he was doing this, we hid behind some wrecked ship. we shot at any Klingons that came close and as one got dangerously near, I screamed. "Captain I'm pregnant!"

I watched from the MedBay as Harrison was marched to the brig. I was sitting there because after finding out I was pregnant, Jim ordered me to go to the MedBay to make sure my baby was okay after the Klingon attack. Bones finished checking my health and confirmed that myself and my child were healthy. "You're very lucky, Bella. You should've told Jim you're pregnant earlier. Hell, I should've told him." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Thank you, Bones. I'm going to go visit our friend Harrison." Bones nodded and I strolled out, heading in the direction of the brig.

When I arrived, Jim and Spock left. I looked at their backs as they got further away and turned to the villain himself. "Hello. I'm the little Irish girl who screamed she was pregnant down on Kronos. My name is-" Harrison cut me off.
"Your name is Bellatrix Amelie O'Connor and you're pregnant with Pavel Andreievich Chekov's child. It's a girl. Congratulations." I gaped at him.
"How did you know all that?! And my child...I don't even know what it is!" Harrison smiled.
"Go and see. go to the MedBay and demand to know. They will tell you." I hesitated for a split second before racing back to the MedBay.
"Bones! I want to know if my child is a girl!" Bones looked up from the tribble he was examining and raised an eyebrow.
"It's too early for that. You're not far enough through your pregnancy!" I glared at him and he went as white as a sheet. He strode over to the ultrasound machine and I sat down.
"Hurry" I said as he got the gel.
"Pull up your dress over your stomach." I nodded and did as he said, wincing as the cold gel was smeared on my baby bump. Bones started the scan. It was a 3D full colour scan that replaced the old-fashioned ultrasound, but the gel helped the signal. His eyes widened after a few seconds. "It's a girl, but I shouldn't be able to tell you. You should have months to go before the child gets that far through development." I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Thank you Bones." I pulled down my dress and went back to the Brig. "How the hell did you know that? What the fuck are you?!" Harrison smiled maliciously and it made my blood run cold.
"I am Khan. I am a failed experiment to make the Universe better and myself and my crew were banished, sleeping for 300 years. But now I am awoken and I am better." I heard a gasp and turned around to see Jim and Spock. I ran past them and down the hall, stopping at the elevator. I got in and pressed the button that would take me to the Engine room.

When I arrived at said Engine room, I saw Pavel looking at a diagram of the Warp Core. I went up behind him and put my arms around his waist. I put my lips to his ear and whispered, "we're having a baby girl!" He whirled around, enveloping me in a hug.
"How do you know? You're not far enough into your pregnancy." I told him the story of how Harrison - Khan - had said I was having a baby girl, and how I'd gone to the MedBay and found he was right. When I'd finished Pavel had a look of both worry and happiness on his face (what the fuck?!). "This is not good. This Khan shouldn't know any of the things he does. Bella, I don't want you to go near him again. Stay here with me, please." He looked at me with pleading eyes and I frowned.
"I'd love to, but I can't do it. I have to go back to the Bridge but we can use the watches." A month ago, Pavel's mother had given us watches that also tracked each other and could be used as communication devices. It was very nice of her to do so and she was glad she did when we told her I was pregnant last week.
"Okay then. But I'm going to call you every half hour." I nodded and left the Engine room after kissing Pavel. I made my way back to the Bridge but before I stopped by the Brig. I know I shouldn't have but I did anyway.
"Khan. What are you? And more importantly what are you doing on this ship?" Khan cocked his head and stepped closer to the glass.
"When this ship has no crew other than you, it's called the USS Irish Star. This is so because you are qualified to run it by yourself and are a crew and captain in yourself and every captain needs a ship. Your mother died last year and your father died when you were young. You live in San Francisco next door to Captain Kirk, who moved there from Iowa to be closer to Starfleet Headquarters. i guessed at the gender of your child, btu I presume I was right. You like the colours purple and green and...interestingly, you're half Vulcan on your mothers side. Move your hair, Bella." This time, I didn't hesitate in running. How did he know all of this? Did he stalk me? Was he some kind of mind reader? I brought my hands up to my pointed ears, the only things I had of my mother. Other than that I was your typical Irish girl. A spitting image of my Dad. I kept walking swiftly until I arrived back at the Engine Room.
"Pavel he knows. He knows everything. My history, my career, my family and my...heritage." Pavel was the only person alive that knew I was Vulcan...half Vulcan. He wrapped me in a hug that lasted until he was called over to the Warp Core and them he sent me back to the Bridge.

When I arrived at the Bridge, I grabbed Spock and took him into the hallway. "Spock I have to tell you something. I'm half Vulcan too." I showed him my ears and he nodded briskly. He then proceeded to drag me to his sleeping quarters. "What the hell?! Is it Pon Farr or something?!" Spock frowned.
"No I am just wondering if your mother was named T'Maire? And when she went to Earth did she use the English translation, Marie?" I nodded and a dark look appeared in his eyes. "You are a descendant of the most evil Vulcan ever to live. He was a Vulcan that preferred emotions, specifically hate, spite and vengefulness. He was alive in the time Khan was active and he betrayed both Khan and his crew. This is why Khan has taken such a fancy to you and you should stay as far away from him as you can. Stay in the Engine room with Pavel and don't leave. I thought that story was a myth, but..." I felt my mouth drop. My ancestor was evil. I knew my mother left Vulcan because of something horrible in her family but this to me and my family. I ran down to the Engine room and folded myself into the nook I'd sat in when Nero was attacking. Khan wanted revenge...and I was a descendant of the person who had crossed him. I was the reason he was on this ship. I thought about the two things he had said before being taken into custody by us.

'The missiles? How many are there?" Jim answered him.
"Seventy-two." Khan looked triumphant as he surrendered and when he saw me his eyes widened.
"You, you are the child." And then Jim punched him.'

Authors Note:

Yep, doing it in two parts.

And I know you probably thought I was dead but in truth I was working on this...okay I was watching Into Darkness again and again. When it came out on DVD here in Australia I'd seen it three times. Ah, American friends...

Stowaway (a Star Trek reboot/2009 movie fanfic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now