Chapter 9: Push

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Chapter 9: Push

I opened my eyes, confused. I was sure I'd died...but no, I wasn't in my little house, I was in the MedBay on the Enterprise! I saw Bones standing above me. "Good! She's awake! And this kids coming! Bella, you need to push, now!" That was when the pain started. It was like somebody had cut me open, jabbed at me with scissors and sewn me up.

Soon after, I had a baby boy. As it so happens, I'd contracted a pre-birth disease known as Carden Syndrome. It had forced me into a coma in which I had dreamt a life that I'd dreamt a life. Because of this, I decided to name my baby Carden. Carden Lyle Chekov, because Lyle was my fathers name. I thought this was a good idea and when Bones asked me what I wanted to call him I instantly said, "I'm calling him Carden Lyle." I got a strange look from Bones and Pavel.

"Are - are you really going to name our son after the disease that put you into a coma for seven and three quarter months?" I glared at him.

"I was just put in a coma for seven and three quarter months and I dreamed up a horrible life. When I woke up, I had to push a baby out. I will call him whatever I want!" That made Pavel close his lips and give me big puppy dog eyes. I rolled mine and signed the birth certificate.

"Did you find the person who used a museum artefact to try and kill me?" Spock, who I didn't realise was in the room, spoke up.

"No. Since he used a weapon that old, it didn't have an energy trail and we can't trace it. Really, it was clever. We are working on it though." Anya, who was in his arms, giggled.

"Spocky so smaaaart!" I raised an eyebrow as Spock tried his best to hide the smile trying to erupt onto his face.

"Looks like somebody enjoyed baby-sitting a bit more than they let on." He blushed, betraying his Vulcan façade even more. He brought Anya to me and sat her down on the bed. I held Carden close to her.

"Who's this, Mam?" I smiled at my big girl.

"This is your new baby brother Carden. Now, you have to be very nice to him and very careful because he's a delicate little baby. But when he gets older the two of you can play." She grinned excitedly and began to bounce up and down, her ringlets bobbing madly.

"I'll be the bestest big sister ever! I'll make sure nobody hurts him and I will protect him and I will be nice. He will love me!" I wrapped my free arm around her, hugging her tight. Pavel sat on the bed next to me and put his arm around me. He leaned in close to my ear, whispering,

"I love you. I love our family and I wouldn't change a thing ever."

"Oh god, make it stop!" Carden, my two week old baby was driving me insane. He had been crying nonstop for the past three hours and I was about to start ripping my hair out. Even worse, Anya was upset that I wasn't paying her enough attention and kept trying to make me look at toys and drawings.

"I can't find the bottle! I can't make it stop!" I looked at Pavel frantically trying to find Cardens bottle as Anya began to cry.

"Mammy! Look at my painting!" II'd had enough.

"Get Spock!" Pavel did so and when Spock arrived, he made a face. I glared at him. "You are taking Anya. She can stay with you for a few days while we get Carden sorted. You. Have. No. Choice." He didn't object, picking up Amya and the bag I'd packed. Anya instantly stopped crying and smiled.

"Spocky, we go play dolls again?" I had to say, this made me, in my mental state, laugh. Spock playing dolls...pure gold. He walked out with Anya and I picked Carden up out of Anya's old Portacot.

"Shhhhh, little baby shhhhh. Papa's getting the milky for you shhhhh." He calmed down a bit and Pavel ran back into the room with a bottle he'd gotten from the storage area.

"I got one!" I nodded at the large, sealed bottle of...milk. Pavel got some out of it and heated it up. He handed it to me, panting from the running he'd done. "I don't understand why you couldn't just breast feed him like Anya, but instead we have to take it and put it in bottles." I sighed in relief as Carden downed the milk silently. He had gotten my ears and hair, but other than that he was the spitting image of Pavel. Same eyes, same shaped face, same skin tone, it was all there. He was gorgeous and he was all ours.

"Maybe we should give him to Jim for a night or two." I suggested. Well, he didn't have to be all ours all the time...

"I guess that would be good. We need a break from children."

I pressed the button next to Jim's door and he opened it, smiling. "Hey! How are you? Hello Carden!" I handed him my son and he grabbed Cardens little hand, moving his arm about.

"You'relookingafterhimforafewdays, bye!" I dropped Cardens fully stocked baby bag and ran off back to my quarters, leaving Jim to be confused and happy.

When I got back I found Pavel waiting for me. He'd set up the table with a candle, a lovely tablecloth and a bottle of 2252 N'ang Pol'koth, a decadent wine brewed in a barrel made of the green stone they prize so much. "I thought we would celebrate the birthdays we have missed because of the trouble you get into." I raised an eyebrow and kissed him lightly on the lips. He poured me a glass of wine and then himself one, tapping his glass on mine. "To us and our family and our twenty-two years of life." I nodded.

"And in five days, twenty-three for you. It'll be 2263.64." Pavel's eyes lit up as he realised this.

"Yes, this is good because we can start having celebrations for birthdays that aren't Anya's or Carden's!" I laughed at him and we drank our wine. It was rather alcoholic and after two glasses we were both fairly drunk, which lead to an intense game of truth or dare.

"Okay, Pavel, I'm choosing...truth!" Pavel giggled a bit and grinned.

"Am I any good?" At this we both broke into a cacophony of laughter and when I finally gained control of myself I answered.

"You're wery wery good!" We laughed again at this exaggerated impression of Pavel's accent and he had his turn.

"I pick truth as well!" I thought about it for a second and came up with the perfect answer.

"Do you regret meeting me?" This was a serious moment and he pauses before answering.

"Never. I love you very much and you complete me." He leaned in and kissed me and when he pulled away I whispered,


When I woke up the next morning I was in my bed and still in the previous days clothes. Pavel was hanging out of the bed, his face pressed against the floor. Worryingly, I couldn't remember anything past the word 'dare' of the previous night. Pavel stirred and woke up, looking at me. "Pavel dear, do you remember anything past me saying 'dare' last night?" He paused.

"No Мед, I don't." I frowned. I got up and grabbed a clean Starfleet uniform for me and my husband and got changed. He did too and we walked together to the Bridge. When we arrived, Jim tried his best to avoid looking me in the eyes and I was puzzled. Uhura seemed to be angry at me as well, which puzzled me. I sat down in my chair and turned to look at Sulu, who turned red and looked away. What happened that was so bad it made everyone awkward? I stood up, grabbed Jim and dragged him out into the hall.

"What happened last night?" Jim went red but I glared at him until he answered.

" kissed Spock." I felt my mouth drop as the whole night came rushing back.

"You dared me to kiss Spock and I did, which explains why Uhura is so mad at me and why all the guys are embarrassed." Pavel's face went whiter than snow as he also remembered.

"That is not very good for your friendship with Nyota or Spock." I blushed.

"Plus...I kind of betrayed you." He frowned and I sighed.

"I'm going to go for a walk...clear my head and all." I walked down the hallway and around the corner when a bag was shoved over my head.

It smelt like potatoes. Typical, potatoes for the Irish.

When I awoke, I wasn't on the Enterprise and all my weapons were gone. I was tied to a chair and I struggled. That was when I heard the voice, "still as naive as ever, I see. Well, no matter. It won't make a difference when I peel the flesh from your bones."

Happy I updated? Guess who wants revenge. I dare you.

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