Chapter 7: 18 months later

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Dedicated to Iluvsandwiches for the support and the humour. Thanks!

Chapter 7: 18 months later

"Holy Irish mother, it took ages to rebuild that god-damned ship!" I'd just finished and I had a rather small, rather patched up ship in front of me, designed for a single operator. There was some excellent technology in it and it could scan the Enterprise from 2,000 light years away and it could pick up its energy trail to tell me which direction to go in. Not to mention I'd upgraded the warp core and discovered warp 7. I'd stocked it with enough food for me to survive three years and a doll I'd made out of wood to talk to so I didn't go crazy...and to give to Anya when I got back.

I got into my ship, which I'd christened the Chekova Starrider and started it up. It worked, thankfully and I took off. I scanned for the energy signature of the Enterprise. I found it almost immediately and warped in the direction it was going. It amazed me how fast warp 7 was and I soon caught up to the Enterprise. I hailed them and when they accepted Jim looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Bella! How the - are you really alive?!" I frowned.

"Last time I checked, yeah. Now could you please let me onto the ship?" He nodded and ended the transmission. I flew into the cargo bay of the Enterprise and got out of my ship. I was met by Bones and Jim.

"I have to take you to MedBay to get checked out. Jim, how can she be alive?"

"I don't know, Bones. I don't know." I rolled my eyes.

"I was asleep on my couch and when I woke up I was on a strange planet with lots of crashed ships and food. I rebuilt a ship and found you while discovering warp 7. Why did you think I was dead?" Jim and Bones shared a look and took me to my quarters instead of the MedBay. When I got there I nearly screamed. On the floor was my daughter, who was now two years old and a strange woman who I vaguely remember seeing around the ship. They were playing and I nearly cried when Anya said

"Mum, I want food." I screamed in rage and stormed over to the woman, grabbing her by the hair.

"Who are you?! What have you done to my family, you bitch?!" She yelled for Pavel and he came out of the bathroom, stopping when he saw me.


As it so happens, this woman was an engineer named Alva Lockhart and she had always been jealous of me. She was twenty-one, while I was only nineteen and she had loved Pavel since his first day at the Academy. She had injected me with a chemical to make it look as though I was dead and had me jettisoned onto that planet. She then proceeded to steal my family from me. Now, she was sitting in the Brig awaiting her punishment and I was with Jim and Spock deciding it. "We should jettison that bitch! I don't want her on this ship!" Sadly though, I was outranked, being second officer while Spock was first officer and Jim was Captain.

"No. We should not do that, Captain. It would be unwise. We should let her resume services at a lower rank." Jim shook his head.

"I'm going to leave her in the Brig for the attempted murder of an officer and mutiny against Starfleet. When we get back to Earth in three years I'll hand her over to Admiral Crichton and he can deal with her. These are my orders and I'm not changing them." The last part was because Spock and I had been about to protest and I sighed.

"Well, I'm off to teach Anya who we Mam is." I walked back to my quarters and picked Anya out of her crib.

"Who are you? Where's my Mummy?!" I sighed and sat her down on the floor.

"Sweetie, I'm your Mam. That woman tried to make me disappear so she could take you away from me. She's gone now though and we can be a family." Anya looked at me for a second before vigorously shaking her head, her shoulder-length curls bouncing.

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