Chapter 8: Dream up a life

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Chapter 8: Dream up a life

I was finally working again. It'd been a month since I'd been shot and we still didn't know who'd done it. I didn't mind, because I was just happy to be back at work. That was when it happened.

I was helping Scotty fix a broken gasket in the Engine Room at the time. "Can ye pass me the shiny blue one please? I canne do anything with the green in this situation!" I handed him the blue and frowned.

"I don't feel too good Scotty..."

"Well what the hell is wrong with ye? Ye were fine jus'a minute ago!"

"I...I...oh god!" I ran off and puked in the nearest garbage chute, after which I fainted.

I woke up to see Bones. "Hello Bella. You must love it here. Guess what?"


"I was running some tests on you, since you randomly fainted, and I discovered something you need to know. You're pregnant. You're about a month along, actually."

"A month? Oh god...Pon Farr" Pavel entered the room when I said that and looked at me strangely.

"What is Pon Farr? I am meaning why are you saying this of course." I took a deep breath and prepared myself to tell my husband he would have two children before he was twenty-three.

"Pavel I'm pregnant...again."

The only thing I was aware of was an alarm incessantly beeping. I opened my eyes a little and turned it off, then rolling over to give Pavel a hug. Naturally, I was surprised when I fell out of my bed. "Aah! What the fuck?!" I looked around to find myself someplace I thought I'd never see again. "Shit, why am I in me old Starfleet academy dorm?!" I looked at the other bed in the room to find Calico, my former, cat faced roommate. She rolled over, looked at me, groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You're here because we were assigned as roommates two days ago because we started at Starfleet academy. Idiot." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What year is it?" This got me a strange look but I didn't care.

" couldn't you know that?"

"Oh god...I'm 15..." How could that have all been a dream? That was years of my life and I'd dreamed it up in a single night. This couldn't happen...but it was and there was nothing I could do about it. "I'm going to take a walk." I got dressed and left the building, walking off the Starfleet compound.

I stopped at a bench and sat down. The park around me was empty and silent. I felt the tears dripping down my face. " pregnancy, it's all gone!" I cried for about ten minutes when I had an epiphany, "Pavel is in his third year at the Academy right now...I can still have that life!" I got up and ran back to the Academy, racing to the boys dormitories. I looked at the chart showing where everyone's rooms were when I saw Pavels. I ran straight there and knocked on the door. Fortunately, Pavel answered.

"Yes? Who are you?" I grinned at him and took a deep breath.

"My name is Bellatrix Ch-ah, O'Connor and I was wondering...if you'd maybe like to go out with me?" Pavel looked stunned, as if he'd never been asked out before.

"Ah...yes, yes I would like to go out with you...would you to come in?" I shook my head, kissed him on the cheek and ran off, giggling. I was successful in getting Pavel. Maybe my real life wouldn't be so bad.

Two weeks after I'd woken up from my 'life', it was my birthday. "Happy birthday, Мед!" I grinned and kissed Pavel as he presented me with a cupcake adorned with a candle and a small furry box.

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