Chapter 4: The first discovery

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Chapter 4: The first discovery

I boarded the ship with my husband and daughter. I wouldn't see Earth again for 5 years and boy, was I prepared! My little family was sharing a double-sized room aboard the ship and I'd packed everything we'd need for the next five years, including a rather large stash of Cardassian chocolate bars. "Hello Bella, Anya." I looked beside me to see Jim.

"Hello Jim! Here to show me to my quarters?" Jim grinned and stuck his arm into the line of Starfleet officers boarding the ship to pull out Pavel.

"You got it, Mrs. Chekova!" He winked at me and I laughed, handing my 11 month old daughter to her father. Jim led us through the ship until we reached our quarters. "It'll be just like home, because I'm right next door!" I grimaced and took him to the side.

"I swear, if you mess with as many girls here as you do at home..." I trailed off and Jim simply laughed.

"Not on the Enterprise! I wouldn't be able to get away." Another wink and he received a smack from me. Rubbing his face, Jim left me, my husband and my daughter to look around.

I made my way to the Bridge with Pavel and took my special seat behind him. My daughter was with me, dressed in a little purple Starfleet onesie like my uniform, except instead of the four Starfleet badges - command, medical, science, engineering, in that order - I had on my uniform, she had a single, plain Starfleet badge. Since this was an exploration mission and so long, I was allowed to take her along (her father coming along helped my case too). If it had've been a shorter mission or one that would definitely be dangerous, I would've had to stay on Earth with Anya.

Pavel sat down next to me in his seat and began his work. After the Enterprise was basically destroyed by Khan and Marcus, or simply just by the USS Vengeance, it had been upgraded. The Warp Core was ripped out and replaced with one just like that in the Vengeance. The Enterprise also now featured a button on the Captains control panel that, when pressed (by me, might I add - fingerprint sensor) changed the registration on the outside of the ship from USS Enterprise NCC-1701 to USS Irish Star NCC-1701-2. I was only authorised to press this when there were no other Starfleet officers on the ship and I hoped I'd never have to press it, as it would mean the crew was either dead or kidnapped. Since the Khan incident, as its referred, I had been promoted from Lieutenant to Commander and made second officer. Pavel was still a Lieutenant but he had received a medal for saving the Captain and Scotty from dying and another for fixing the Warp Core after it was sabotaged, even though it technically wasn't his job.

Seventeen hours into the mission and all we'd found was empty space. I guess this was to be expected, but'd think we'd have maybe seen a planet by now! I walked to the mess hall to get some food. I picked up two plates and filled them with mashed potato, some variety of Cardassian meat and a Vulcan pudding. I took it back to the Bridge to where Pavel was sitting holding Anya. I swapped him tray for baby and we walked together back to our quarters. "You know, I could have gotten my own food. But thank you for the effort." I unlocked the door to our quarters with my thumbprint, nearly dropping Anya.

"It wasn't much effort, considering I simply had to get two of what I wanted." Pavel laughed, slurping some mash potato he'd cheekily eaten out of his mouth and onto his chin. As he wiped it up with his hand I passed him a tissue. "And to think I thought Anya was the baby." we were interrupted in our meal by a siren, accompanied with flashing red lights.

"Give me Anya and go to the Bridge. I will take her to the MedBay and give her to a nurse." I nodded, handed him Anya and made my way to the Bridge.

"Captain! What's happening?!" Jim turned in his chair to face me. I took my seat and Jim sighed.

"I don't know. A strange ship has literally appeared out of no where. I have no idea of its origin. This is our first discovery and if we're not careful it could be our last." I nodded as Pavel came into the Bridge and took his seat. I filled him in on what was going on when there was a scream. I whirled around in my seat to see Nyota beamed away. Jim followed, then Sulu and everybody else until it was just me and Pavel on the Bridge. The lights started swirling around him, signalling he was being beamed and I desperately tried to intercept the signal, to no avail. Pavel was beamed away and, after scanning the Enterprise for life, I found three signals. I ran down to the MedBay, where the signals were coming from and found Anya, Spock and a Human-raised Romulan nurse named Rebecca.

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