Chapter Fourteen- The Thrill Of It

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Before I even sat down in my chair I was bombarded by Blake. “Like the view yesterday Stevens?”

My face heated. It was as if the whole thing with Mel hadn’t happened… that the kiss didn’t mean anything. What am I kidding? It’s Blake. It does mean nothing.

I gave a careless shrug. “Actually there was nothing to see.” I sat down beside him and stared up the front as Mrs Brown rifled through her sheets.

Why out of all my teachers does she have to take so long to start the class?

“Funny aren’t you?” I grabbed my pencil and grinned at him.

“I like to think so.”

Blake rolled his eyes. “So I’m having a party this weekend. Want to come?” I stared at him blankly for a few seconds. He met my eyes with an amused look.

I faked a gasp. “Tyler Blake just asked me to a popular party!” I pretended to fan my face. “Oh my  god I think I might die of excitement.”

He smirked. “So that’s a yes?”

I snorted. “Hell no.”

“You shouldn’t snort it’s unattractive.”

“You shouldn’t look like that it’s unattractive.” I snapped back.  OK… not my best comeback.

His grin widened. “Baby I’m as attractive as they get.” I eyed him from the corner of my eye. He was pretty hot.

The fact that he knew that he was hot though… it made him less hot.

“So you’re not coming?”

“Is Mel going?” I asked.

I watched his reaction. That perfect mask twitched though it stayed the same with no other emotion. “No. I didn’t tell her.”

“Good.” I laughed.


“No I’m not going.”

He rolled his eyes and turned towards the board. “No fun Stevens.”

“Why do you want me to come?” I looked towards him to find him smirking.

I froze as his hand barely touched my own but lightly slid along it. Tingles slipped up my arm.

He dropped his voice. “I thought that that was pretty obvious.” I was sure that my face was now the colour of a tomato. I turned away from him and clutched my fist together. That tingly feeling still remained. I wished that it would disappear. Just like him.

Softly I heard him chuckle. Damn it.

The rest of the week flew by quickly. It fell into a routine of homework, going to class (along with ignoring Blake) and talking to my friends.

I seemed to be on better terms with Alley, which trust me… I am glad about. Sometimes all you need is your best fiend.

It was Friday night. I was sitting on my computer typing up the rest of my essay as the sound of music thumped my walls.

I gave a frustrated sound and typed fiercely. It was these weekends that I hated the most. Weekends where Blake decided to have his parties.

It was around the fifth time since moving here that this has happened. The loud noise of teenagers going wild and the sound of terrible music.

I mean honestly, do people actually listen to this? Haven’t they ever heard of good music?

I was meant to be hanging with Alley tonight but Caleb had taken her away from me. I swear we should make up some kind of schedule of something.

I sighed loudly and dropped my hands from my keyboard. It was difficult to concentrate.

My curtains were firmly closed though my window was wide open.

The sound of voices were heard over the music. “So Blake which one us do you want?”

I heard the sound of his chuckle. “How about all of you?

The sound of there giggles sent my teeth on edge. How about I smash your face in?

I ignored the fact that I was in my PJ pants and a tank top and stormed down the stairs.

I passed James who was half a sleep on the couch watching the movie Cars. I didn’t understand how he could watch that so many times or how my mum was never home on the weekends. Actually, I understood why she wasn't.

I hesitated at the doorway and gave a loud knock on the closed door. Blake answered it, his eyes roamed over my clothing. “Oh are you done upstairs?”

He grinned. “You could hear?”

“My window was open.” I snapped.

“Maybe you should have closed it.”

“And risked seeing something I really didn’t want to?”

He shifted his head to the side. “What’s the matter Stevens? Jealous?”

No. I will not be red faced and gapping at him like some kind of idiot again. I set my jaw. “Jealous of what? You’re two minute thing up stairs with a load of girls?” I took a step towards him. “Nothing to be jealous of a sloppy two minutes. Wouldn’t have been THAT good? I’m sure I’ve kissed better.”

This time his mouth gapped open. I hurt him and his stupid pride. His jaw jumped with clenched teeth. I watched as his eyes roamed over my clothes again. “Is this really what you wear to a party?” He took a step towards me. “Not very sexy. Then again… I don’t really think that you could ever be sexy.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh is that so?”

He leaned towards me. Our faces were almost touching. “Yeah it is. Problem?”

I leaned away and gave a smirk. “OK fine. I’ll meet you in twenty minutes.”

Amusement sparkled his blue eyes. “What’s happening in twenty minutes?”

“Me probing you wrong.”

My timing must have been precise. It was exactly twenty minutes. I grinned at myself on the way back downstairs as my phone vibrated.

It was Alley. Are you home?

My fingers flew across the keys. No, I’m at Blake’s party.

I passed a mirror in the hallway and eyed myself. I was wearing a tight black dress that stood out my curves and large boobs. It was a body that I liked to flaunt. Though I was sure that no one had ever seen me wear something like this. I slipped into a pair of black heels and passed a sleeping James. I wont leave him here for long. I’ll be back in two minutes.

I left my make up simple- foundation, eyeliner and red lipstick. My hair was already straightened which fell down my back and swung as I moved. I tucked my phone back in my bra and locked the door behind me.

I didn’t bother to knock this time. I stormed through the house. It felt like a thousand eyes fell on me.

I stopped in an empty hallway. Blake who was walking through it, stopped when he saw me.

“Sam?” He said with disbelief. A grin formed his lips. “Is this you proving me wrong?”

I stopped in front of him. “Sexy or not sexy?”

He stared down at me. “Deadly sexy.”

I gave a satisfied smirk. “Good.” I stepped away. “Don’t under estimate a girl just because she doesn’t always dress like this.”

He took a step towards me. My breath hitched. “Well just for the record. You should always dress like that.”

“Why?” The word was blurted out. I should leave.

I didn’t like the way that he was looking at me. It was the same heat in his eyes. “Don’t try to hide it Samantha. You want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.”
Wait what? I ignored that tingly feeling again.

And yet, I liked the way that he was looking at me. “What does that have to do with the way I look right now?”

“Because it’s making me want to kiss you even more.”

I stepped away and my back hit the wall. “ You’re the player who can’t seem to find a game to satisfy himself with.” My eyes stayed level with his. “So why would you want to kiss me?”

His eyes darkened while he smirked. “For the exact reason that you want to. The thrill.”

His lips fiercely pressed themselves against my own. I instantly reacted. I tangled my hands in his hair as he pressed me closer to the wall. My leg wrapped itself around his leg as he deepened the kiss.

He gave a low sound in the back of his throat and roamed his hands down to my hips. A feeling of butterflies erupted in my stomach. His hands leaving a heat where he touched.

Oh dear god. I forced myself to pull away.

“Wow.” He chucked. “That was a lot better than the first.”

I wriggled away from his arms and took a few steps away. “I’ve had practice.”

“Why so embarrassed Stevens?”

I swallowed hard. “I should go.”

Before he could react, I ran towards the backyard and almost tripped in my heels. It is not easy running in heels.  

I really didn’t want to face anyone. I stepped towards the gate at the front of the house as my fingers touched my lips.  I enjoyed kissing him. I can’t believe this… I kissed him.

An unsure voice stopped me opening the gate. The sound of music was now a dull sound compared to inside. “Sam?”

I turned around and froze.



Wow. Hahahha. I'll just let that sink in. 

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