Chapter Ten- The Devil Is Back

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I stayed near the door for what felt like forever. My hand was lifted to the door and I was biting onto my lip.

I could leave… sprint and he would never know that you were here.

Easier to say then do.

You got yourself in this mess Sam, so you need to get yourself out.

If I didn’t do this then Blake would forever be pestering about how I didn’t go.
Was this really what I wanted? What if he… I don’t know, tried to kiss me?
Horror must have filled my expression because Blake suddenly opened the door and laughed.

“Hey Stevens. Second thoughts?”

Why did I agree to this?

I wiped the look off my face and gave him a smile. “Not at all. You going to invite me inside?”

He raised an eyebrow and gestured me inside. “Welcome to paradise.”

I had always seen Blake’s house from my window, for goodness sake his room was right across mine… though I always kept my curtains closed.  So I was surprised (well not exactly) to see how beautiful his house was.

It was the type of house that I had looked at and said “Dad I want that house!”

But my dad was cheating, scummy asshole who left us and was cheap. He could never afford any of the expensive stuff I wanted but looked at me and rolled his eyes. “You live in a fantasy world if you ever think that I could afford that Sammy.”

And I was. I always lived in my own fantasy, from the age that I was eight… the sound of my parents fighting, I had blocked with another world of my own.

Another elaborate, exciting and fancy lifestyle.

That’s what I thought when I saw Blake’s house. Fancy.

White, clean and shiny.

The type of house I wanted to live in. The type of house that my own family could never afford.

I despised him for it.

Yeah I’m sure mummy and daddy didn’t give him anything.

“Your eyes look glazed over or something.” His fingers clicked in my face. “You alright?”

I snapped out of it and pushed his irritating hand away. “You mind?”

“Sure if you mind not drooling on my carpet.”

I breathed in and looked at him. He had another irritating quirk. That damn smile. “It’s just… beautiful.”

He seemed to be studying me for a second. “Thanks. My mum would be pleased. Come on.”

I followed him past another carpeted white room, which had a fireplace and glowing furniture. He stopped in a large kitchen, which was assembled with large windows, large table tops and dark coloured floorboards.

On the counter tops was a load of food. Everything that my little brother would be diving for. So much junk food.

“Do you want anything to eat?”

My stomach tightened at the thought of food. Weird. Why was he making me nervous?

I shook my head. “I just eat.” The lie fell off my lips with ease.  He didn’t look away but continued to stare at me. I stared back, he had such pretty eyes. “What?” I muttered.

“Why are you here Sam?”

My heart leaped. “Isn’t it obvious?” He didn’t say anything but continued to stare at me, though one eyebrow did raise. It was one of those cool things I’d always wanted to do. Though my eyebrow always seemed to just twitch and look bad. “I want you.”

A silence filled the room.

… Till he broke it…with his laughter.

Not how I pictured it.

He took a step towards me, my breath hitched in my chest till he was standing right in front of me and I could no longer breathe.

Isn’t breathing meant to a natural thing? Why is suddenly so hard?

 “You want me?” I gave a nod and felt my cheeks heat. “Don’t you find me sarcastic?”

He leaned forward, his lips almost pressing my ear. I shivered.


I shook my head.

“An asshole?”


“A dickhead?”

Shake. Pause.

“A spoilt brat?

Another shake.

Whoa. My words must have really hit a spot. He remembered all of that?

“You’re sure?”

“I-“ I cleared my throat. “I’m sure.”

“So you lied about of that?”

Suddenly I was angry. No. I’m not going to play his game. I’m not wrong.
I pulled away and took a couple steps back. “No I didn’t lie! You are all of those things! And the fact that you think that you can have me is just making you more of an asshole!”

A smirk covered his lips. “You’re the one who gave me the impression that you wanted me Samantha. Are you telling me that that’s not true?”

“It’s not true! I’ll never want you!” I was suddenly screaming.

“Really?” He laughed. “Then what are you doing here?”

He was cornering me. He knew I was trying to play him. Dammit!

“I don’t know.” My jaw tightened in a stubborn line. “But I don’t want to stay here another second with such an asshole who gets whatever he wants from mummy and daddy!”

I threw up my hands and turned towards the exit. Where the hell is the end of this place!?

His hand suddenly wrapped around my wrist. “You don’t know anything Stevens. Don’t say things that you don’t understand.”

My cheeks continued to heat. This time with anger. “What? About mummy and daddy?! You’re telling me that you’re not a spoilt brat? Let me guess… mummy give you everything but-“ A snort escaped my lips. “Daddy doesn’t? Daddy disapproves and you think he hates you?”

His hand suddenly left mine as if it burnt him. There was a long silence as he stared at me with hatred.

We were both breathing heavily, our chests almost touching.

“Get out.” He said through gritted teeth.

“I got it didn’t I?” Anger was still boiling in my blood. “You think he hates you so you act out.”

“I said. Get out.”

I bit my lip and gave a sarcastic laugh. “At least yours didn’t leave you.”

The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.

His expression suddenly changed.

Blank to confused, to understanding and finally pity. The hatred was gone.

He reached out towards me, “Sam-“

“Don’t.” I snapped. “Leave me alone.” I turned back around though paused and swang back around. My hand hit his chest. “Don’t- don’t tell anyone that.”

He grabbed the hand and pulled me towards me. I almost collapsed against him if it wasn’t for his other hand on my back.

“He’s an idiot for leaving.” He muttered, his words shocked me and I froze. “You deserve better than that.”

My eyes widened. We stayed like that for a while. It was as if it was a staring competition. That I wasn’t able to blink.

He didn’t blink. He had this look on his face as he stared at me. I noticed a lot in his expression then- understanding.  As if he thought that he was figuring me out.
His eyes trailed down to my lips. Suddenly he was leaning forward. My body automatically responded.

My heart sped up its stupid pace. I’m going to have a heart attack. Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound continued to stay loud in my ear.


We jumped apart.

The sound of footsteps approached us.

I stumbled backwards and into the kitchen table. My hands stopped me from making a real fool of myself as they landed on the table’s fancy and polished wood.

“Blake! We need to-!”

I looked up, my heart sinking.  What the hell?

The devil herself gave a signature smirk. “Samantha Stevens.”

My hands curled into fists, my nails breaking skin on my hands. Hate. A feeling I was used to around her. My voice came out just as cold. “Melanie Casio.” 


I'm so sorry for the late update! It's been a while but I've just been so busy with exams, school work and other things. I'll defiantly be uploading more though so stay tuned!

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