Chapter Twenty- No Strings Attached

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It was as though I was back in the bleachers.  Most people go behind them to make out or do the nasty.

Though I had been there for business. It was early in the morning. No body was around except for Coach Siesta on the field. She seemed to make a habit of standing out there every morning.

Caleb folded his arms across his chest. “Are you serious about this?”

A flash of Blake’s face crossed my mind. “I told you. I’m sure. Were into this till the end.” I gave an eager smile. “You know this is kind of weird. It was only yesterday that I was scheming with Alley about Mel. It kind of makes sense that the next devil spawn should be his ex.”

Caleb raised an eyebrow. “Yeah except my plan is going to work.”

“Hey! Mel is out of the school isn’t-”

He placed an hand in the air and interrupted me. “Listen. This isn’t going to be easy. Knowing Blake, he already knows what’s going on. He’s not stupid.”

Yeah. He get’s big fat A’s on his work. The jerk. “OK. What do we need to do?”

Caleb leaned away from the pole and gave a smile. It was dazzling.  I know I was Alley’s best friend but even I had to admit Caleb Conners was a hot guy. Not that I wanted him. I just liked to admire her achievements.

“For this to work you’re going to have to follow exactly what I’m about to say.” I leaned away from my own pole and stood up straight. This is it. “Blake is going to expect you to be angry at him. He did obviously steal your homework. You need to act like you're totally pissed off-”

“That wont be too hard.” I interrupted.

“And.” He continued. “Make it clear that there’s something else bothering you. Confess to him that you want him. Not with anyone else.”

I blinked at Caleb in surprise. “What?”

“Tell him that you saw him with Sienna.”

I swallowed hard. “I can't do that.”

He frowned. “Why not? You said that you’re serious.”

I pursed my lips so hard till they hurt.  A gush of air escaped my lips. “Because to him that will be winning. He wants every girl to want him.” I crossed my arms tightly. “I can’t stand it if he wins.”

Caleb gave a nod and smiled slightly. “Sam. He won't be winning. Your second step because I know Blake… he wont want to start anything with you. You act as though you’re jealous. He will love that.”

Picturing his satisfied smirk made my teeth feel on edge. He will love that. “Then the next day you act like nothing happened. Like you don’t want him anymore. Tell him that you’ve moved on.” Caleb smirked. “Tell him that you’ll find someone who’s better than him.”

“And then?”

“Just follow those three steps then we’ll deal with what to do next.”

“Wow.” I breathed. “All this over a kiss with Alley?”

He raised an eyebrow “All this over a homework?”


Actually it didn’t feel like it was over homework… it felt more personal. More as though I had trusted him and he had broken it… No. It was more than that. Sure he’d pissed me off a couple times to keep me angry for days but after finding a side of Blake that I didn’t want to hit… Well, it felt as though there was something he had broken.

Never Going To Be You (A Sequel To SLY)Where stories live. Discover now