Chapter Seventeen- Mischievous Acts

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Monday rolled on a lot quicker than I thought. I mean honestly they should put a day between Saturday and Sunday. The weekend goes pretty damn quickly. I mean who have though that through my irritation I would kiss Blake, be yelled at and being told that I deserve better? A lot had happened on the course of two days.

I stood in front of Alley’s car and watched as she exploded. “I mean what were you thinking! It’s Tyler Blake!” A few people walked by and openly stared.

I flipped them off and turned towards Alley. “Look.” I held up a hand, which made her instantly stop. “You can keep telling me this but honestly. I’m not going to listen. I know who he is Alley. I know what I’m getting into.” There was a large smirk on my face as Saturday’s events passed through my mind.
I defiantly knew what I was getting myself into.

She eyed me carefully before those brown eyes became suddenly larger. “You kissed him didn’t you?”

“Technically.” I paused and laughed. “He kissed me.”

Alley frowned. “But Mason-”

I couldn’t think of that. I avoided eye contact and watched as people made there way back into school. My smirk widened when I spoted my target.

“We’ll talk later.” I told her before running off. Faintly, I heard her protest behind me.

I shoved him into the corner of the hallway. My heart racing. “I don’t care what you say. Whatever happened last night and what you’re thinking… I might deserve better than you but right now.” I stared at him with a determined expression. “My life is utter crap and I need an escape. I want you.”  I gave him my best dazzling smile. “Will you let that happen?”

Blake stared at me for a few agonising seconds. I think he was shocked. He closed his mouth (yeap, defiantly shocked) and smiled. “Hell yeah.” His eyes followed people who were rushing around to there lockers and then class. “You want to get out of here?”

I nodded eagerly. “Do even have to ask? I’ll go and get my bag.”  When I closed my locker, I wasn’t exactly surprised to see Mason.

He stood there with a dark look. “What are you doing?” He nodded down the hallway to a laughing Blake. “Youre leaving with him aren’t you?”

“Oh.” I placed a hand to my lips and looked at him with a confused expression. “You're enrolled back at this school again? Something else you didn’t tell me.”

“You're actually pissed off at me?” He laughed weakly and ran a hand through his hair. “I thought that after Sunday, everything would be OK with us.”

“No.” I snapped. “It’s not. The fact that you left me is something that I can't forget.”

“So what?” He nodded towards Blake. “You think that he’s not going to leave you? I never wanted to leave you. He will do it on purpose.”

“I’m not getting attached to him Mase!” I hissed. “He’s just a distraction.”

He stared at me. “Who are you?” Mason whispered. “What happened to the girl who believed in love at first sight and was a hopeless romantic?”

“That dream died a long time ago when you left.” My hands started to shake. “I’m not falling in love with him. He’s just someone who can distract me from things that I don’t want to remember.” I looked at him pointedly and thought for a moment about my parents.

I shoved the thought away while my heart raced. Mason shook his head. For once in his life he looked utterly disappointed in me. My heart sank. “I’ll tell you what Sam.” He no longer sounded angry. “Even when you’re done with that prick… I’ll still be here for you. Whether you want me in that way or as a friend.”

I faltered for a moment before I hitched my bag higher and stepped away. “Or maybe your dad will get another job offer.” I suggested flatly.

I walked away. Tears stung my eyes though I quickly told myself to calm down. I smiled at Blake sweetly. “Ready?”

When Blake started his car and turned the music up. I couldn’t help but wind down the window and forget all my worries. The day was gorgeous. Life was too short to worry.

Blake stopped outside his house where I ran to my own and grabbed my stuff. My mum wasn’t here and neither was James. She worked early in the morning and late shifts at a small hotel. The money wasn’t very good but it was all she had. I think that the divorce was taking a hard toll on her because a number of bills sat on the bench.

I sighed and quickly changed. James was where he usually spent his time. One of our neighbours was always happy to look after him when my mother and me weren’t able to, plus with no extra charge. James was still a little too young to be going to kindergarten but in two years… he would be starting his education. By then I hopefully will be gone.

Though, I have no idea how I’m going to pay for college next year. She could hardly even pay the bills. Great, another worry…. Maybe ill have to take a trip to father dearest. The thought made cringe. The fact to ask him for anything. Especially money. He would have this smug look on his face as if he knew that Mum wouldn’t be able to look after us.

I shook my head and grabbed a new bag. I started stuffing in a towel and my wallet.

Was it OK for me to leave James here by himself? To deal with all this? He had so much of his life to live already… he was going to have a hard wakening to the selfishness of our parents.

When Blake and I arrived at beach, I placed my glasses on the top of my head and glared. We stood leaning against the hood of his car as I watched Hayden Hayes talk with some guys I didn’t know.

The walk wasn’t that long down there but I could see the smug look on his face as he looked up at me.
“I don’t like him.” I said automatically. “He messed with my best friend.”

Blake shook his head. “He just had an crazy obsession over her. Plus he’s my best friend. Can’t you at least play nice?”

“I don’t know about that.” I muttered.

Blake smiled and moved in front of me, blocking my vision of Hayden. His blue eyes brightened his features as he gave me a puppy dog look. That lip stuck out as his eyes widened. He looked so cute. “For me?” 

Damn him.

I followed Blake down to the beach and the small group that hung around. None of them noticed me but eagerly talked to Blake.

Hayden Hayes strolled towards me. A large smile was on his face. “Samantha Stevens.” He announced. “Blake said that you guys were… friends… but I didn’t believe it.”

I shrugged. “I couldn’t believe what you did to my best friend but I guess things change.”

Wow, I’m bitchy today. He simply laughed. “Yeah I guess so. How have you been?”

“Great.” I said it with such emphasis that he laughed again.

“How about Alley?”

I gave him a look. “Don’t even try Hayes. She has Caleb.” I didn’t even notice till after I said it that I’d said it bitterly.

He looked at me with a surprised look. “You want him?”

“No.” I scoffed.

“Oh.” He smirked. “He’s taken your best friend away. Things just aren’t the same huh?”

I looked passed him at the blue water. “You could say that.”

“I ended things with Alley on a pretty good note by the way. She forgave me. You shouldn’t keep grudges.” I flicked my eyes back at him. I was getting life advice from him? “I’ve moved on pretty well. I’m loving my new school and the girls…” He gave a satisfied smile. “Mel and I have both built ourselves another life where we’ve forgotten the past.”

I couldn’t help but stare at him with shock. “Mel goes to your school?”

“Yeah.” He shrugged. “It’s not so bad. She keeps introducing me to all her friends.”

“She has friends?” I said with disbelief. “You mean people are still wanting to follow her around and be her bitch?”

Hayden laughed. “You’re funny.” What? I wasn’t joking? “I can see why Blake finds you so amusing. You know-”

His words were cut off when, suddenly a figured stormed towards us. “What are you doing here?” Mel’s eyes landed on Blake. “Is she doing you as well?” She demanded.

Blake smirked as he ran his eyes up and down my body. “I wish.”

And with that, I couldn’t help but walk away.

Dammit. Why is he such an ass? I didnt want this. I wanted him to take me somewhere else. Where we were alone. Not where I saw people that I really didn’t want to.

I stopped near his car and sighed. Why didn’t I have my own car? Oh yeah that’s right. You need money for that.

Blake was suddenly behind me. “Come on Sam. It was just a joke. Lighten up.”

I twirled around and faced him. My breathing was heavy (walking up a hill of sand is a lot harder then going down). “Why do you do that?” I demanded. “Why are you a completely different person around me but with them.” I spat. “Youre a arrogant asshole.”

Blake stared at me with sudden seriousness. “I don’t know.” He frowned.

I don’t know where this anger came from. It all just snapped out of me. I hated him acting like that. It made me so angry. “Do you know how frustrating that is?” My hands were starting to shake. “To have my own best friend tell me to stay away from you because all she sees is an arrogant asshole. Your just the asshole with Mel who stole her first kiss to her. She doesn’t understand.” I swallowed hard. “I don’t even understand.”

He stared at me, his eyes boring into my own. He took a step back. “Neither do I.” Blake finally said. “You should go. Go to someone who’s not going to be a complete asshole to you.”

“No.” I said the word so fiercely that it surprised me. “I’m staying.”

His frown deepened. Now he just looked completely confused. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” I said truthfully. “But I don’t want to leave.”

Blake snapped out of his shock. “Do you want to get out of here?” He smiled one of those real smiles that touched his eyes. “You said that you wanted an escape right? We’ll go somewhere else.”

I grinned back and followed Blake in his car. We didn’t go far. A few meters down the road till we were at a more populated part of the beach. There were shops around here.

Blake didn’t say much till we were closer down to the water. I hate sand. He took off his shirt and chucked it on the sand before walking casually down to the water.

I couldn’t help but stare.

He didn’t look back, but I heard him yell. “Stop checking me out and hurry up.”

I blushed and shook my head to myself before stripping down my shorts and t-shirt. Guys have it so easy. All they have to do is take off one thing and they’re done.

I wore a black bikini with red dots on it. I was showing a lot of skin and my boobs… well they were basically popping out of it.

I followed him down the beach and had the satisfaction when Blake roamed his eyes along my body. He looked a little bit taken back.

There were hardly any waves as we walked closer to water. I stayed near him as the water reached my stomach. It was warm.

He finally spoke. “I saw you talking to Mason before. What did he want?”

I met his eyes. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

I considered this. “Mel.”

His face-hardened. “Why do you want to talk about her?”

“She acts as if you’re her property.” I looked up at him. “I’m not coming between anything am I?”

He smirked. “The thing about Mel is that I’m just an object to her. We both cheat on each other but she still thinks that were somehow together. Everything with her is a game. That’s not what a real relationship is meant to be. I don’t want to hear her telling me about how many guys she’s hooked up with.”

“You want more.” It wasn’t exactly a question. “You want a relationship with her.”

He met my eyes. “I used to.”

“Do you love her?”

“I don’t know.” He frowned and then cracked a smile. “If I did, then I’d probably care that I’m hooking up with other girls.”

 “Huh.” I roamed my hands along the top of the water and stared at them.

“Do you love Mason?” Blake automatically corrected himself.  “Sorry, you don’t want to talk about him.”

I frowned when I looked up. He was always so different. Sometimes he was cocky but then… it was like I was actually talking to a human being, someone who cared. I gave a shrug. “I don’t know anymore.”

“Love is over rated if you ask me.”

“You don’t even know if you’ve been in love before.” I laughed.

“Are you even sure that you have?” He questioned.

“It felt like love.” I frowned. “But then you read about it and girls say that it feels like your hearts going to explode and everything’s meant to be like fireworks or something.”

Blake laughed. “Wow that’s lame.” Suddenly his hand lay on my own. My hands stopped. He pulled me closer. “I’ll tell you what. Let’s forget all about our parents and people who have hurt us. Let’s escape.” He wrapped his arm around my waste and pulled my closer. There was a dangerous look in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

I leaned forward so that my lips were so, so close. “How are so sure that I want to kiss you again?” I trailed my lips along his cheek and stopped near his ear.

He chuckled. “Because you’d be crazy if you didn’t.”

I gave him a challenging look and stepped away. “Crazy huh?” I shifted my head to the side. “It sounds as if you want me to kiss you Blake.”

Blake smirked. “Do I? You’re the one who kissed me back.”

“You told me that you enjoy kissing me.” I pointed out.

“Did I?” He took a step towards me, our grins matching each other’s. I took another step back. “The way I see it Stevens, is that you that you have no way out of this.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’m unbelievably attractive, you can’t keep your hands off me.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing.

I laughed out right. “You have one thing right Blake. You are unbelievable.”

“Say it.” His voice went low. Husky… So hot. “Say that you think I’m hot.”

“Never.” I told him.

He raised his eyebrows and stared at me for a few seconds. A smile broke his features. “Well, it looks like we have a problem.”

“Hmm.” I mused. “Looks like it.”

Blake suddenly splashed me with the water it was enough of a distraction for him to wrap his arms around me. His lips were now close to my ear. “Say it.”

I pulled away enough to look at him. I was shifted on his lap where he sat enough in the water to not be drowning. I was so close to him. Facing him, I muttered. “You are… so…so…ugly.”

His fingers suddenly poked at my skin and I squirmed while laughing out loud. It wasn’t sarcastic. But a sound that I hadn’t made in a while, full of joy. He suddenly stopped. Blake’s hand rested on my cheek where he trailed his finger. My heart stopped. “You’re so gorgeous.” He commented. There was no humour on his face anymore. But he looked utterly serious.

His lips pressed themselves against my own and I instantly responded. The sound of kids laughing and people around us filled my ears but there was no one else but him in that moment.

There was something there in that moment that I was missing. Something that my heart told me that I was an idiot for not realising.

I spent the rest of my day in Blake’s arms as we splashed around the water and kept sneaking kisses. Though when he dropped me off, panic suddenly raised in me. Blake turned down the music. “Can I come in?”

I stared at him, startled. “Why?”

He smirked. “All I’ve ever seen is the small space of your room.”

“You want to see my room?”

Blake laughed. “You’ve seen mine right?” I thought of his room compared to my own. He must of noticed the look on my face. “Come on Sam.” He gave the same puppy dog face and chuckled when I crumbled.

“Fine. But not for long.”

I opened the car door and heard him soon follow. My heart was racing. My house is such a downgrade to his. The bills on the bench… the furniture. The house is so un kept and untidy.

I hate my house.

When I opened the door though, Blake made himself at house and walked around without a word. He studied each room. The small kitchen and the small lounge room.

I opened my mouth in shock when he started going up the stairs. “What are you doing?”

“Your bed room is upstairs.” He explained. Though he didn’t look back. I could tell he was grinning. He was loving this.

Blake checked out the small bathroom, my brother and my mother’s room. He opened my door with a look of mock shock on his face.

I couldn’t help but giggle. I watched as he looked at my single bed against the wall, the posters on my wall and my collection of DVD’s and books.

“It’s not… It’s not fancy or anything…” My voice trailed off. Not up to your fancy standards.

“I love it.” He smiled.

“You do?”

“Sure.” He gave a shrug and sat on my bed. He grabbed my only stuffed animal on my bed and held it. “It’s homey. My house has always felt more like a display home.” He looked down at the bunny. Humour was written on his face. “What’s this guys name?”

I pressed my lips together. “I’m not telling you.”

“Come on.” He gave me another puppy dog look.

I snatched the bunny from his hand. “That face isn’t going to work. I don’t want you laughing.”

“I wont. I promise.” He looked sincere. “Please?”

“Fine.” I snapped. “It’s Mr Giggles.”

Blake squeezed his lips together and pulled me on his lap. “Mr Giggles?”

“Don’t.” I warned.

Suddenly he rumbled with laughter. That mask broke. “How can I not laugh at the name?! It’s Mr Giggles. You have to giggle.”  His whole body shook.

I gave him a dirty look. “You’re the worst. Now you have to tell me one of your toys names.”

He rolled his eyes while grinning. “I never gave mine names.”

I shook my head. “I take pity on you and you’re childhood.”

“Actually.” He said, looking around my room. “I take pity on you. Do you really like Twilight?” He was looking at my posters and the books.

“Yes.” I said stiffly. “I love it.”


“I’m not telling you. You’ll just laugh at me.”

“I won’t laugh.”

“You said that before. I can't trust you.” I muttered.

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. “I’m a lot prettier then Jacob Black.”

This time I laughed. “You know the name.”

“I went on a date with a girl and we saw it.” He rolled his eyes. “It was terrible.”

I smacked him. “It is not!”

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He laughed and kissed me.

I kissed him back just as fiercely, my heart racing.

The sound of someone clearing there throat made me freeze. I pulled away and stared at my mum.
What time was it?

James stood beside her. His chubby hands pointed at Blake as if to ask, who’s that?

I stood up and Blake followed suit.  James stumbled towards me, his arms open. “Sammy!” I picked him up and he giggled.

Blake looked a little bit uncomfortable. “Hey, I’m Tyler Blake. Though people call me Blake.” He extended his hand towards my mother.

She shook his hand with a look of surprise. “Nice to meet you.” She said uncertainly. Her eyes roamed towards me. “Sam. I didn’t know that you were going to have… friends… over.”

“I was just about to leave.” Blake said.

“I’m sure.” She was almost smiling. “Sam?”

I gave her James. “I’ll walk him out.”

There was a silence as we walked down stairs. Mum paused near the kitchen. “Come over for dinner tomorrow night Blake.”

I stared at her with shock. Blake had the same look. “Dinner?” He asked.

“Yeah.” She said and cracked a smile. “I’d like to get to know you better.”

Blake nodded. “Sure, OK. It was nice meeting you.”

I followed Blake outside and closed the door. Automatically I mumbled, “I’m so sorry-”

Though he was grinning. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stopped walking down the stairs and moved forward.  Blake pressed his lips quickly to my own. “I had fun today.”

I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was watch as he got into his car and drive it into his own garage.

What just happened?


Ahhhh am I the only one who loves Blake? 
This book is so much fun to write. Please comment and vote. I'd love to hear what you have to say about it! xoxox 

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